Просмотр полной версии : Why I see the same persons familiar to me more finely and even below ro...

With greetings
26.05.2004, 18:13
Why I see the same persons familiar to me more finely and even below body height later god-another when really he could not decrease? I the person the adult, t. e. Body height above I do not become, he too does not grow old and does not become below... Whether it Can be connected with change for me its or his importance, importance, its or his authority? And why I see SO people, and many my friends and even parents?

28.05.2004, 08:23
Privet ty kak raz popapla ili popal v temu. Net vse delo v tom cto meydu ludmi sucestvuet rad pregrad Tam ovragi gory prosto rasstojanija. Iya etogo po yakonam perspektivu figura umenshaetsja i kayetsja menshe No pomoemomy sdes vaynee faktor vremeni A i za eto vremja tebe mozet kayatsa celovek menshe rostom

The anonym
29.05.2004, 00:39
All business in cerebral ustanvke. Probably, you to the given person test something unpleasant and consequently such vision:)

With greetings
30.05.2004, 14:22
People, I am serious! For me it becomes a problem because I always estimate or appreciate appearance, body height and t. Item

Buharov J.M.
31.05.2004, 20:07
Hello! Vo-the first, and really as you write, such change of an image of perception can be connected with change of your attitude or relation for the given person. Vo-the second, it is not necessary to think, that body height of the person after the certain age is any constant. Even banal physical overwork can cause visual decrease of body height by some centimeters which disappears after high-grade rest. Besides there are age changes of a skeleton, leaders to the general or common as it is called in people "usyhaniju".

With greetings
01.06.2004, 06:20
Thanks for answers, and to the psychologist especially. And that in the psychotherapist the doctor has given me very insulting answer - that that my importance in own eyes is simply huge - and it is absolutely incorrect, and what is it it is necessary to treat any grasses.