Просмотр полной версии : Fermented on an Internet... Has come across here one konfu... There the person wrote about...

Simply girl
30.05.2004, 00:39
Fermented on an Internet... Has come across here one konfu... There the person wrote about meal... Sduret, really it is possible to eat so much ijogurtov? Abnormal?! Here-

http: // www. fleim. ru/showthread. php? s = de72c309d0a5aa115ffb8023a763b47d and threadid = 178 and highlight = %E4 % E0 of % ED of % E8 of % F1 of % F1 of % E8 of % EC of % EE

Simply silly woman
30.05.2004, 12:49
There one Amylum

Andreev G.A., the psychologist
01.06.2004, 00:47
Yes, really, there is such mental disease which is expressed by greater or big absorption of nutrition.