Просмотр полной версии : At me other history. We were friends many years, lived on one floor, rovesnitsy...

30.05.2004, 21:58
At me other history. We were friends many years, lived on one floor, rovesnitsy, but is accomplished DIFFERENT! She - self-assured, stylish, is able to submit herself, the competent speech, rich parents. I full contrast - from rather poor family, in the unfamiliar company am lost, the style is not present (a collective image) for that moment has carried! Have cheaply bought or purchased , men in a circle - are worse than one another.
We required in each other. I received its or her dialogue, it is possible to tell or say, took lessons of the Life - as myself to find, than to live, with WHOM to live. Attitudes or relations were more than friendly, no, anything such was not - she was necessary to me as air, probably, I too was Significant for it or her. So happens, that we have quarrelled. We often swore, but is cheerful, liking and not taking offence against each other, and that time on me something has found to me it wanted to tear, dump or reset from itself this dependence, to leave from this friendship, to sigh the breast we after that some times met at the lift, (at me chasto-heart even often fights when simply I think of her) but conversation it was impossible. Has passed or has taken place already 2. 5 years as we in rubbish , I have moved, have given birth, other life - the head on brachiums, but something does not give me rest, even more often I think of her, I look around in crowd, I think out an occasion but, alas, NOTHING occurs or happens, I am afraid (I very impulsive and hypochondriac person), that it or her categorical is not present will steal at me memory of her. No, all this not from loneliness, me to eat than borrow or occupy, something does not give rest in soul or douche

31.05.2004, 08:14
Belief, you simply grieve on the girlfriend... It is quite normal. I had two girlfriends - three together we three years were do not pour water. But kak-that porgualis - iz-for quite serious reasons... 1 year we did not communicate, passed by not greeting, at that I had many new friends, new novels were fastened - voobshchem the life boiled... But something in her did not suffice... I grieved on the girlfriends... Quite often available was to take the first step, but something stopped... And then suddenly has dared to overcome the pride and to make this step... As all of us were glad having reconciled... And on soul or douche became svetlo and it is quiet, kak-as if something native has returned to you... We skolnny quickly to forget insults, therefore call to her or write the letter... You will lose nothing...

Shimanskij O.I.
31.05.2004, 16:12
Dear Belief! Anybody cannot take away memory from you, and if you wish to talk to the girlfriend, dial its or her number or room...