Просмотр полной версии : Uvazaemiy doktor! Ocen prosu Vas o pomosi. Vot uze v tecenii odnogo goda p...

30.05.2004, 21:18
Uvazaemiy doktor! Ocen prosu Vas o pomosi.
Vot uze v tecenii odnogo goda prinimaju xanax, v svjazi s rasstroistvom nervnoi sistemi, obuslovlenni v pervuju ocered neozidannoi smertju moego muza (2 goda nazad). Tabletki nacala prinimat cerez polgoda posle ego smerti. Zimoi cuvstvovala sebja horoso i perestala est tabletki. No letom pristupi vozobnovilis i ja snova prinimaju xanax i cipramil. Ja nastojasii ipohondrik. Prislusivajus k maleisim narusenijam v organizme, daze zarapini dle menja kazutsja smertelnimi. ocen bolelo v oblasti sei i zatilka. Hodila k manualnomu terapevtu. Podozrevaju, sto on sdelal sto-to ne tak, potomusto, vot uze nedelju strasnoe davlenie i pokalivanie v oblasti viskov i zatilka. Ja prosto v panike. Medizina v Estonii na stolko slaba, sto daze za horosie dengi nikto ne mozet gramo objasnit sto k cemu. Doktor, ocen prosu Vas pomoc mne s moimi nedugami! Kak vijti iz etogu zutkogo sostajanija straha za zizn!! S blagodarnostju Anna

Pronin D.A.
31.05.2004, 07:57
Unfortunately, losses accompany us always. We lose native, close, familiar. So was, is and so will be. As though the bitter taste of loss is not great ball, but it is necessary to find in itself forces to live further, not excruciating itself memoirs, not coming back in ideas back. And for this purpose it is necessary to accept that has occured or happened as a reality, to reconcile to it or this. All of us are not eternal, than earlier the person understands it, the more reflects on an extremity of life, the more easy as not strange, a life, and that stoically transfers or carries its or her impacts. It is difficult to consult independently - find calm in a temple, he has great salutary force (if certainly with belief to it or him;them to resort). I do not know a level of the psychiatric help to Estonia, but the treatment, appointed or nominated to you, quite adequately. Probably it has early been interrupted, probably demands correction is it is possible to define or determine only internally. Therefore try to find nevertheless the expert who could write out not simply mechanically to you medicines, but also render sincere support (if visiting of a temple is not comprehensible to you).