Просмотр полной версии : Recently was a little topov Concerning a life in Moscow. Itself with...

07.05.2004, 15:46
Recently was a little topov
Concerning a life in Moscow. By itself (and already
For a long time) the question, on which in any way arises
I can find the answer. Why people from other cities
And especially provinces so pulls to Moscow?
Well, z/p above, than across Russia, but also
Consumer ability below! (in view of expenditure
On sem-purchase of habitation). To me, personally, Moscow for 28
Years of a life so oprotivela - a mud, clouds
People, tolkotnja, narrowness, terrible air...
We are going to on the PERMANENT RESIDENCE for limits of Moscow, and "therefrom"
People everyone go to Moscow and go... Well here
Such attractive, that we with the husband and
Have not estimated or appreciated?

10.05.2004, 06:35
Yes it is not necessary to be seven spans in a forehead to understand, that people go here behind job. And where it or her to find, how not in Moscow? Only it is not necessary to speak, that job is everywhere. Sorry, for example, if on one city it is necessary one factory of paint and varnish products, it does not mean yet, that all inhabitants of this city dream to work there.

13.05.2004, 16:42
Yes, only the most part of this money leaves on
I shall eat habitation. How much in Moscow can receive
Nonresident, for example, employees? $ 600 700, from
Them 400 $ - 1 room apartment...
Lerchik, and you ne-moskvichka?

15.05.2004, 07:37
I moskvichka, was born and I live in Moscow, but for 29 years this city at all has not bothered me, is faster naoborot-I do not represent, as it is possible to live gde-that in a solitude. I for a month on a summer residence am ready to fly into a rage, I do not have not enough this hum and motley crowd:) But you I too understand, as they say, to everyone the :) it is simple from those nonresident whom I know, believe to me, from the city still nobody has run away from a good life. Habitation very dear or expensive, it completely agree, but in fact if something does not arrange people, always there is an opportunity to return, however very few people hurries up to take the return ticket.

15.05.2004, 22:03
If you live in city with the population of 38 thousand, which as a greater or big general or common bed, - all znaju who with whom sleeps (and all this is to put it mildly not indifferent) at whom on what place rodinka (I certainly slightly exaggerate, but nevertheless) where it is necessary to you to quarrel with one for example, the employer, the guy, the girlfriend or everybody - as all its or his local friends and friends who can be met in the most unexpected places, will look at you koso (I had such episode, I come to the gynecologist, and he appears our general or common friend of one person very unpleasant to me, and we with it or him as it has appeared in general at one school studied - voobshchem so to the gynecologist and did not descend or go).
If coming to a supermarket in the evening vsterchaesh all friends since neighbours and finishing or stopping former class teachers - and all up to you there is a business, all should ask - whether you have married, if yes that why or if is not present - that too why both td. And tp. - they also ask not because it or him up to me business is, and for that that would be then about what posletnichat with tovarkami. If in target or at leisure I cannot be filled up neither on a concert, nor in a museum neither in an opera nor on ballet, vseja the cultural program in small cities is reduced to visiting a market or a supermarket. What for to me to earn money, to buy to myself for example an evening dress if I have no place in to leave itself? There is no here a business not in the salary and not in job, simply there are people which it is pleasant to live in small sleeping settlements, and there are those which there simply choke. Here I concern to the last.

19.05.2004, 04:36
Naive, it agree with you in the theory. But as often
Muscovites actually go in
teatry-kino-exhibitions? We with the husband at the best
3 4 times a year, as the rest of the time in
Days off leaves on shops, cleaning, house
Business or Affairs, playing sports, dialogue with the
Animals, etc.
And I, on the contrary, choke from obiliija people,
Narrownesses, density... Periodically I begin
To hate this huge and bestolokvyj
Ant hill and all in itself living.
The dream - to buy or purchase a cottage of meters in 250 with greater or big
Site of the ground that series nobody was.
And in Moscow that it is possible to buy or purchase for 60 70 thousand $?
1 room apartment in 35 sq.m. Here and
It turns out, that you will enjoy here
"Leisure" and to wear evening platsja and all life
To stick on close kvartirku-the chamber, with neighbours
Through 30 sm of a wall...
But, as you girls correctly speak, to everyone
The . Has simply become painful, has bothered, and to wait
Executions or Performances of the dream to us yet less than year...

19.05.2004, 16:07
Naive, the fish searches there where more deeply, and chelovek-where it is better. If for you it is better to live in big gorode-well, it is your choice. But about that yours gorod-one greater or big village and " at me four dresses evening silk " you a little bit dissemble;))) your yesterday's arguments were more convincing:)

22.05.2004, 07:44
Know, if I would have 70 pieces green, I not would buy a cottage, and would enclose them in business.
Cottage it is certainly good, but still luchshche to have something that would bring to you of money constantly, and in an ideal - and you both your children and grandsons.
For the sake of it or this it is possible and in kommunalochke to be.
Also has put here not in vechernyih orders, it simply one tiny unpleasant aspektik a provincial life.

24.05.2004, 05:08
Naive, 70 tys are copecks in scales
Business, at least capital. It is possible all
The life and in kommunalke to huddle, only for the sake of what?
Children? Grandsons? And most to live when? I and so with 18
Years I stick, it is time already to start to live in the
And " tiny unpleasant aspektikom lives "
Absence of an opportunity is to wear also
Evening platsja. You from it or this run?

26.05.2004, 14:36
Nonresident go to Moscow also behind extending the happy lottery ticket as heroine Muravevoj in " Moscow does not believe tears ". And not just to stick on a demountable kennel gde-a string in Birjulevo. The some (especially young, beautiful and cunning) carries on the rich husband. Kto-someone earns on an apartment, as the girl from remote small towns where there lives my grandmother. Moscow are greater or big opportunities, it is possible to fly up up to heavens, but it is possible and to break off abruptly. lerusja has correctly told or said - to everyone the . I personally do not represent a life in Uryupinsk. But to tell the truth, and Moscow not too I like, bazar-station simply any. Here if Peter to transfer or carry to Crimea, I would lodge there!

27.05.2004, 17:50
Yes not in a dress has put, features with it or him with a dress, at everyone the needs or requirements, I perfectly understand that it is possible to be happy and in a province, but the province nemozhet to offer me that that in a life is necessary for me. I for example wish to enter Gnesinku, whether I can try to make it in the city? I for 10 provincial eizni have bungled small but qualitative albomchik with qualitative pesenkami svobstvennogo manufacturing, but in my country in Russian they and nafig are not necessary to anybody.
That up to money - for in Riga 70 000 dollars it not the god a message what money for business, but money, and in Moscow - is not present, but in Moscow I would be engaged absolutely in another - I the advertising manager with the experience almost 10 years, I to myself would find job, but except for simple survival, I would like to try to carry out the dream, and in a province to me nothing shines.

Hazhilina I.I.
29.05.2004, 20:41
The city Moskva-of greater or big opportunities where huge money turn and is set of variants of a choice and job and the partner - on the one hand. On the other hand, the rhythm of a life of city does or makes people more by employment or occupations and separated. They have less than time for entertainments and dialogue. In general as in vsem-there are pluss and the minuses.

30.05.2004, 07:05
Well here explain, why my juvenile and perspective daughter for what does not wish to go to Moscow? I to her there and have constructed an apartment, and itself I live iz-for it or her " on two cities " (the husband a muscovite, we we work both for us and in Moscow). Well does not want!

30.05.2004, 20:44
Natalia, here and I about that zhe-if all arranges the person in native city so this Moscow and is not so necessary to him. You in fact too there have not wanted to move, though till now have such opportunity.