Просмотр полной версии : Zdrastvujte the doctor. My daughter (11), had problems of such plan;...

26.05.2004, 02:54
Zdrastvujte the doctor.
My daughter (11), had problems of such plan; she badly sleeps, is constant to her chtoto terrible to dream, she resorts to us with the wife at night, every evening cries. What to do or make?

26.05.2004, 07:31
To try to learn to forget the girl the dreams at once as soon as she will wake up. Let it will be even at a level of game, it is necessary to depart at once from terrible power of a dream in the real world. If a dream to forget right after awakenings, then it or he cannot be recollected and if to join in it or him it is possible to recollect it or him then all remained life with very bad feeling. To forget and be disconnected or forget and be switched-off from bad dreams it is possible if to set to itself such problem or task.

Tolokonin A.O.
27.05.2004, 14:19
Dear Anatoly!
The bad children's dream is, as a rule, the answer to psychological trouble in family. Think, that the child can disturb in the world surrounding it or her.

The anonym
28.05.2004, 06:42
Yes, Malasha, to us with you it is not slept....... I wait.

29.05.2004, 19:12
C your daughter is called Pavor nocturnus (night pavors). Children or teenagers wake up with cry of pavor, tachycardia or cardiopalmus, a sweating in impellent exaltation for the period of 5 15 minutes, gde-that in first third of night dream. Calm in most cases do not bring investment.
Variant of this frustration are night nightmares at which, the child or the adult, wake up with the alive and emotionally painted memoirs on a dreadful dreaming.
These frustration, especially often are shown at children's or teenage age and are expression psiho-social loads. In rare or infrequent cases, in a basis of these disturbances of a dream, somatopathies lay. Treatment: reception of vegetative sedatives before a dream, a hypnotherapy, elimination of adverse psychosocial factors in family and school.