Просмотр полной версии : Hello the doctor! To me of 19 years and recently (about two months) I...

25.05.2004, 02:49
Hello the doctor! To me and recently (about two months) I have started in many respects or much to understand 19 years in this life and in general anything good I do not find. Has started to drink where that since a month back, but has understood, that anything good from this not vydet - has thrown. Has decided to understand, that to me occurs or happens, polazil on the Internet, esteemed clauses or articles on www. depressia. ru, www. psyhelp. ru and other and vobshchem has found out, that is very similar to usual depression. Signs and other, but everywhere it is written, that depression is caused or causes by any loss or still or even any events injuring mentality and accordingly I understand, why psychotropic agents help or assist - the soul so to say is wounded, is what to treat.

Continuation (a server gljuchit?)
26.05.2004, 00:55
And if nothing is wounded? If I have simply thought of everything, what me surrounds? Has seen so to say the OBJECTIVE reality? I certainly would describe it or her, but it will be longly and not so cheerfully I you I assure... This status to not like me... But HOW??? The same medicines (I can help or assist be silent about a psychotherapy) if I simply UNDERSTAND, that. nepechatno good around is not present. It not a hysteria, not I simply analyze a psychosis and I do or make conclusions. Also what to do or make now? I SO longly shall not hold on... The most insulting, that the unique close person does not understand my absolutely logical! Proved! (Examples) of constructions, speaks, that all depends only on that as you look at the world and all... Delirium vobshche! I see the OBJECTIVE reality! And he simply refuses to see IT. The most interesting, that I am not clear what for in general it I write, potomu-that what you have told or said an existing reality same all the same will not change.. . I see only two ways - either "there" or easier or simply to hammer than nibud in consciousness, that simply would not understand that around and all... Good... Excuse for the long letter, thanks. Good-bye.

26.05.2004, 18:28
To me 23. It passes or takes place. In 19 I drank, smoked, went by abrupt foreign cars and ate babushkiny somnolents. I did not find anything good and in it or this. Simply is a search of the place in the adult world. Which firstly very much is not pleasant. In general it for a long time, but with vremenm legchaet.
There is any REAL problem? Money? Can, in a rocking chair to enter the name? Deal with real problems and spit on invented. All:)

28.05.2004, 04:20
You not Matveich?:)

Bobrov A.E.
29.05.2004, 14:15
Simply at " movements throttle " quite often - a material basis. Besides preparations often do not eliminate or erase;remove "floor", and help or assist "to bypass or "compensate" it or him. In fact crutches - do not eliminate or erase;remove fracture, but with them fracture of a leg or foot heals better and activity is possible or probable.