Просмотр полной версии : At me a such problem, - we with the husband live 4 years together, he very much...

25.05.2004, 19:44
At me a such problem, - we with the husband live 4 years together, he very much wants the child, and I do not want, not iz-for career and a figure as shout there any babenki that is why, that my cousin of the first child has given birth - and he daun, well she has left it or him, t. e. In any invalidsky the house to give at all has not wanted, - I to her admire. Has then passed or has then taken place some years, and they with the husband have decided the second to get or start, - all at it or her was normal, but during sorts or labors she has died, heart has rendered, and anybody could foreknow nothing, all profilaktich. Surveys, all was good. And its or her husband has remained with two children on arms or hand - one invalid, you represent what? As he with it or this one will consult I do not know, children it is such responsibility, that it is very terrible to me to take it or her on myself, the world such severe, I cannot prdstavit that my child can kogda-to remain that without my support, that to him to someone will harm, as soon as I think of it or this is to me at once it would not be desirable to get or start the child, and the destiny of the sister too faces to eyes. And me 32 years. What will you advise me?

25.05.2004, 22:38
It is not assured or confident - do not overtake, - the child not a toy.
If precisely it is not assured of itself - it is not necessary to get or start children.

The anonym
26.05.2004, 14:31
I too am afraid to give birth or travail iz-for uncertainty in health of the future child (owing to ours of a bionomics), but me while only to 22 years and I can wait. And you give birth or travail! It is time to you! At you the risk is more every year. The destiny is destiny. Not at sorts or labors you will die in "treasured" day, so under a tram you will get... To be afraid there is nothing. Besides think that the shell twice in voronku almost never gets, means you should transfer or carry labors normally. Of success and be afraid of nothing! Be happy!

27.05.2004, 01:06
Come on any site of future mums, communicate in their forums - there give useful and kind advice or councils.

28.05.2004, 08:05
It is urgently necessary for you will address to the explanatory or sensible expert to the psychologist. At you iz-for the transferred or carried stresses obviously nervous breakdown, and from here also is panic phobia of pregnancy. And, in general, as is known ideas are material, therefore try to be adjusted or be set up on the best and to not think of failures. And, still, probably it will not prevent to be surveyed completely and by a female part when to you will tell or say, that at All of you vporjadke is too will give to confidence of. Success!

28.05.2004, 14:52
Stop, Stop, Razgovorchiki to set aside..
What is it such I am afraid to get or start the child?
neponjal, children this our future, children is our life, children it is meaning of the life, children pleasure in a life, children help or assist to live. And than we shall think less of mucks.... That will be our children more beautifully, more kindly, more cleverly...