Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor! 14 years ago at me the son - 3300 weight was born. 56 sm body height. ...

25.05.2004, 19:19
The dear doctor!
14 years ago at me the son - 3300 weight was born. 56 sm body height.
Was born with a small asphyxia. About one year developed normally.
In a year was ill. Fast came three times and did or made febrifugal.
Without results. Processed a throat zelenkoj. After that to the child became worse
For the morning the child became piset a blood. Has been hospitalized in reanimation.
In 2 weeks the status of hopelessness has not passed or has not taken place. Spodozreniem on a leukemia and full disintegration of a blood the child has been sent in institute of a hematology in a remediless status. To him there did or made prednizalon tseparin a glucose the freezed blood from erektrotsitov. In 4 weeks the child ozhil began to move.
Doctors began to diagnose him a hemolitic anemia on a background of a drug poisoning. After an extract spochti normal gemoglabinom
The child was ill with a hepatitis. In a month has been written out with udovl a status.
Its or His development began to lag behind. To 1.5 years began to go and in three to speak.
In 9 years its or his father was lost. At the child a gait speech has changed began to be tightened or delayed.
To be engaged at school of the beginnings in a special class. Here to him diagnose the raised or increased tonus and difitsit attention. 2 years were accepted with Ritalinum and visited or attended psihiatora then to him began to appoint or nominate zolov. 2 years accepted zolov.
Very irritable at times obsessional. With the new husband has found common language
With mum and the grandmother constantly does not get on. Constantly deceives. It is disseminated or absent-minded and cannot concentrate for the term of 10-15 minutes. Well speaks on angl as on the native language. On russki hardly is hardly worse.
Now simply I do not know on what to pay attention - he is sick or these are problems of age and education. I ask to help or assist advice or council.

Bobrov A.E.
26.05.2004, 05:33
I think, that here there was all and not in the best image - a heredity, early traumas and a syndrome of deficiency of attention. Your child nevertheless should be taken under observation of doctors. Probably, that it is necessary to continue therapy by Ritalinum. Perhaps, would cost also poprovodit and psychotherapeutic job.

26.05.2004, 18:38
The matter is that we with the husband both smoked and I smoked from for a strong toxicosis nnichego the vein on a dropper and vitamins did not eat When the child to me was born was 34 and to the husband 47. About one year he developed normally but at it or him by 7 months was closed rodnichek. Now it or he pereodicheski has obsessions - that it or him for what will punish that. At it or him heightened interest to sex develops. Sometimes on the sly is engaged onaniemom (there can be this or thus age)
Has begun to hate to go to the psychotherapist - he same as considers or counts that all and visiting of its or his doctor humiliates flatly refuses to accept medicines.
Studies in spets. A class reads Lessons a little does or makes formally though also teachers at times are surprised - why he not in a normal class. My new husband has strengthened to him motivation to study and they have very much become friends. But to me and to the grandmother concerns very impudently and impatiently. Basic time spends at phone and the TV. It can be necessary to borrow or occupy it or him more in sektsijah or mugs or circles. But to associates he behaves obsessionally.
How to be.

28.05.2004, 02:00
I too had a strong toxicosis, but I have stopped to smoke up to pregnancy. What irresponsibility of you to poison or persecute the innocent child in a womb!!!