Просмотр полной версии : Side effects from Haloperidolum, Cyclodolum, Azaleptinum, Triphtazinum. ...

27.05.2004, 06:07
Side effects from Haloperidolum, Cyclodolum,
Azaleptinum, Triphtazinum.
Please, describe more in detail

Bobrov A.E.
27.05.2004, 14:02
I can respond only in the general view as the answer to your question will borrow or occupy ocheno a lot of time and places. Details look or see either in the summary, or on sites of corresponding or meeting pharmacological firms is better. Haloperidolum - butirofenonovyj a neuroleptic. A typical by-effect is t. n. An extrapyramidal symptomatology (restlessness, alarm, a restraint, sometimes consensual movements or data of muscles, drozhzhanie). Quite often also dropping the BP, the speeded up pulse, giddinesses are marked or celebrated. A frequent by-effect is retardation and a sleepiness. Sometimes there are adverse consequences from a liver, kidneys, hemopoietic system. Similar by-effects are marked or celebrated and at Azaleptinum. However here there are changes in hemopoietic system is a little bit more often, the sleepiness and is stronger than change of a BP. The extrapyramidal symptomatology is less expressed and easier transferred or carried. As to Cyclodolum, its or his by-effects - dryness in a mouth, disturbances of vision, constipations, rising of an ophthalmotonus, glovnaja a pain. At overdosages - hallucinations, confusion.