Просмотр полной версии : Can, somebody collided or faced with something similar? The problem consists in with...

16.05.2004, 03:33
Can, somebody collided or faced with something similar? The problem consists in the following. I work as the secretary a year, have begun at once as soon as have ended high school. At me in. jaz also it is supposed, that sometimes I should replace ours perevodchitsu. She is my immediate nachalnitsej. In 90 year there has arrived from remote places with one suitcase, but now at it or her the apartment, mashchina, the good salary. In the post she one year ago has grown from mine and till now is constant samoutverzhdaetsja at my expense. She tries, that to me would get as small as possible translations or transfers. I do not have experience, but I know tongue, she criticizes any my translation or transfer, and is not constructive, and so, that after that I would not like basically for what to undertake, I am afraid. I of what am not assured, and I am at job in a constant moral strain. I search novoju for job 2 months, but anything costing or standing yet did not see. I do not know as to resist to its or her rudeness, I house moskvichka, not quick, nezubastaja, patient and mild. I understand, advice or councils are useless, but also a life not vynosima. For example, today Sunday, and I ferment on an apartment and I think about forthcoming 5 day time katorge.

The one who will help or assist
17.05.2004, 06:00
Nastenka. If you do not want, that humiliations and pomykanija proceeded, take the answer-back measures. The enemy beat its or his weapon. To meanness or low act to respond it is necessary adequately. Find at it or her disadvantages and specify to a management or manual. Simply if you will resignedly take down all, she will survive you.

18.05.2004, 17:46
Nastja, I do not recommend to be engaged in "disassemblies". Simply try to be adjusted or be set up on other wave: here I work, clients pleasant, money to me pay, and I do or make good job! And to perevodchitse - as! " Look or see, as well I have made translation or transfer! " And with a smile! And when criticizes, try to be adult. Thank, and ask in addition to its or her critic how you can improve your job?! And each time - thank and ask a heap of questions. Sooner or later, but to her will bother! Well and job another that, continue to search.

19.05.2004, 11:47
Change job. All the same as you speak, at you there prospects special are not present, and with injazom it is better to work in tourist business, say, than simply secretary. If this your shark provincial yours nachalnitsa-to you nothing ostaestsja how to leave. And if you will weigh all pro and contra, and will understand, that basically you not too from it or her depend, try to give her otpor-that to you to lose, all the same uhodite-so though be trained for yourself postojat. For example, when will do or make next time perevod-IT or her rabotu-and she it or her kritikovat-you it will be naive on it or her look or see and sprosite-(like as from " blue eyes ") - so, it is more to me for it it is not necessary to undertake?)))) at me was approximately a similar situation with my chief, I consider or count, that have left it or her with honour and the minimal losses. The truth here the chief moj-the good friend of my mum... So chto-again zhe-to me in any measure has carried.)

20.05.2004, 06:40
Growing wiser, the one who is able to use another's mind or wit is considered. So, to you it or her not pererasti)

21.05.2004, 01:08
With wolves to live - - wolf to howl. Dear Nastja though speak, that is impossible on a harm and insidiousness, rudeness and t. The item to respond the same, but in your situation I do not see other outputs or exits for humility and shyness cannot be worthy opponents to the above-stated qualities. Or it is necessary to find in itself forces and to go against the natural qualities, having started to repulse your employee, having changed series of features of the character, or simply to leave. To the enemy you will not wish to get in a situation when the daily output or exit on job is accompanied vnutrennym by mood and ideas " I go, as on katorgu ", it is impossible above self so to scoff and allow it another. To choose to you. Success.

21.05.2004, 06:10
In a life there are tests and it is necessary to reconcile to it or this. I too worked as the secretary and the atmosphere was terrible. So I supported or maintained myself that if IT I shall sustain then in a life in general nothing will break me. Now at you a stage of a becoming of the person, you "poison or persecute" - and you through tags! Learn to hold impact! You house moskvichka - well also that - to learn to be soft and firm it is simultaneously necessary for the person from any city. Success!

Alexander of Item
22.05.2004, 16:25
It agree with Irina and Anna. Understand, Nastja, to you the situation from which it is possible is given and it is necessary to work, she - the mortgage of your possible or probable human body height! Therefore it is necessary for you to change the equipment or installation to your job: test should be GRATEFUL. __ Lajza it is recognized: " anybody still experience did not rescue or save;salvage from a trouble " (A.Galich)

23.05.2004, 02:45
But he still to anybody also did not stir or prevent, our experience.

Alexander of Item
23.05.2004, 16:36
Lajze. It seems, I have confused you with the zemljachkoj which here kak-asked you to change that nik so - excuse! About experience, - I can not agree, all he has negative character, the arrogance only increases.

25.05.2004, 03:43
Alas, I too am compelled or forced to disagree. He cannot to have (almost always) always negative character. Also, as well as any instrument in different arms or hand can be used - to a miscellaneous. From the person all depends and only on it or him: the life will live one all, so anything and not having understood, and another - would seem, still to nothing having had time to see in this life, but at all around looks wise eyes.

25.05.2004, 09:34
Alas, I too am compelled or forced to disagree. He cannot to have (almost always) always negative character. Also, as well as any instrument in different arms or hand can be used - to a miscellaneous. From the person all depends and only on it or him: the life will live one all, so anything and not having understood, and another - would seem, still to nothing having had time to see in this life, but at all around looks wise eyes.

Alexander of Item
26.05.2004, 11:36
, you about other have started talking it. All we come here with different spiritual luggage, it is called psihogenetichesky age.