Просмотр полной версии : What abilities of the female and man's brain, what difference? If to look p...

19.05.2004, 14:43
What abilities of the female and man's brain, what difference? If to look under the school program, girls differ from guys good progress.
Why in such sports as checkers or blocks and a chess, sportsmen to be done or made on groups, female and man's, in fact only brainwork here is involved. As one master of sports has told or said, the female brain in these sports cannot give higher results, in comparison with man's. Means, the female brain has a limited ability?

20.05.2004, 11:30
Just yesterday read clause or article on this subject (by the way, written by the American scientist - the man). In occasion of restrictions of anything I can not tell or say, and here about differences here that subtracted or deducted: at women, both hemispheres of a brain simultaneously work for men only one, therefore women can do or make a little prophetic at once, men completely can concentrate only on one problem or task (abused the husband that he cannot to look simultaneously as I TV earlier to talk to phone and to iron linen, and has now understood, that he is not guilty). At men the acuteness of memory raises or increases till 20 22 years, further worsens, at women weakening of memory occurs or happens after 40, therefore in advanced age it is easier to them to acquire the new information. Women more vnimatelnny to trifles, than men (it is many times checked up on the native husband). At women the right hemisphere of a brain (verbal) is is as a rule better developed, therefore girls start to speak much more before boys, they have more lexicon in comparison with malchikami-contempoparies. At men it is is better developed left (a logic hemisphere). At school age of the girl overtake boys in all subjects, however by 14 years boys start "to catch up". Men think particularly whereas women - it is figurative. Women and men play checkers or blocks and a chess in different commands, as at them different ways of thinking. Among scientists and principals of the top echelon there are less than women as historically it is much more complex or difficult to women to achieve peer positions and ranks with men at peer opportunities. Plus at all times to very few people from women could devote completely itself to liked business or a science as it is done or made by men as on women besides job the house and children "hangs". That takes away a lot of time and forces. The man's brain basically is more serious female on 100 200 gr, but with lower operating ratio. In occasion of restriction of abilities of a brain, that at women, that at men, I do not think that the problem is real, as it is how much known, the human brain is used all on 5 %.

21.05.2004, 01:11
Leka, at you not the husband, and the guinea pig. You have not told or said what hemispheres of a brain for what respond, the right hemisphere just for this purpose can and serves to look and much to speak?

Leka - Els
22.05.2004, 11:47
You to read are able well? I have written, that the right hemisphere - verbal. If with a word neponjatki I translate or transport: verbal - connected with speech. And the husband at me not the rabbit, and Zajka, not experimental, and ochen-very liked.

22.05.2004, 17:05
Did not know value or meaning;importance of this word, forgive or excuse. And your husband all is peer ushastyj)

23.05.2004, 12:51
My neigbour means was born with two rights hemispheres that I think in polne probably joking apart.

Leka - Elsu
24.05.2004, 14:59
Ushastyj my husband also is, for what I like it or him strongly and gently. Whether and you without ears that? bednenky...

25.05.2004, 09:07
Simply interestingly, and why you this question interests? When I studied, met the classmate, very fairly clever guy. We have tried to work together with it or him (in practice). So he did not bear or take out literally, when something "reached" me more quickly. So our novel also has failed!:) my present husband is stronger than me in logic and the physicist or physics, and at me like better with intuition. We check it on computer games of type mist. In shamaty we do not play, but I most likely would lose! And in general there is an opinion, that on 100 sredneumnyh women it is necessary 99 sredneglupyh men and one superclever!;)

25.05.2004, 16:00
Recently on Diskaveri transfer was on this subject, I not all smorela unfortunately. A short in that that the man's brain is adapted for fast and more thoughtful development of ONE idea (from here ours genii-men). Women are capable to think in a multiregimen, to concentrate on several things simultaneously, possess greater endurance or quotation and are capable to embody easy during a life of idea in current of long time. All it speaks a structure and bond of neurones in a brain...

26.05.2004, 03:40
It can not on a subject, but I was amazed or struck with the fact, that for 2 years after a birth of the child the volume of a brain at the woman decreases for 10 %. It is connected with an intermittent, superficial dream. Then like it should be restored gradually. It is checked up on itself. After a birth of the child to me was resulted or brought to study or investigate the Financial mathematics and casual processes so in comparison with boys just finished matmeh University I braked