Просмотр полной версии : The doctor, tell or say please, whether can tsistit-have a urethritis psychological...

18.05.2004, 11:01
The doctor, tell or say please, whether can tsistit-have a urethritis the psychological reasons? I Toil about 3 years, and from treatment to sense is not present, in analyses of changes or is not present, or very insignificant which according to doctors cannot give such pains. What to do or make? Or the reason vse-taki physical, but it or her cannot find? Whether there were at you such cases in an expert or a practice? Thanks

Another JUlja
20.05.2004, 02:46
At me something similar and, by the experience, I think, that vse-taki it and is the psychological reason. Something was primary certainly in the physical plan, and then already poshlo-has gone. But it is personally my point of view.

The anonym
21.05.2004, 03:29
It is necessary to be checked up at the gynecologist and more an intestine (including on dizbakterioz-there can be any adherent or adhesive processes hand over analyses on an infection in a urogenital tract change the urologist, can you it is simply wrong treat and take analizy-how much doctors so much and opinions. Turn vnimanei on meal, something from this can provokes.

22.05.2004, 20:59
At the gynecologist it was checked, all over again - taki have found a ureaplasma when have treated, only became worse. After that handed over in different clinics analyses, have not found anything more. An intestine did not check, but he works normally... The dysbacteriosis for certain is... And unless he can cause a cystitis? With meal it is a lot of ekperementirovala: sat on the strict to a diet - did not influence, ate all vpodrjad too did not influence.
Another JUlja and how you are treated, go to the psychotherapist? Can something advise.

Pronin D.A.
24.05.2004, 11:58
" TSistit-the Urethritis " can have the psychosomatic nature in the development if the genital pathology is excluded uro-. Therefore, probably psychotherapeutic correction will be effective.