Просмотр полной версии : I hate own 3 the monthly child. She charming, zd...

08.05.2004, 21:30
I hate own 3 the monthly child. She the charming, healthy, beautiful, developed girl. Any problems with health (I shall spit three times). But she all time cries and never sleeps. And when she shouts (in the afternoon or at night) I simply wish it or her to kill. He/she is our second desired child. We wanted the girl, and have given birth to the girl. A problem that I am simple I can not and I do not wish to be engaged to her. I wish to be only with we frighten (to him 3 years). We walk, we go to theatres, in parks, in a zoo, in children's club, in pool, and I simply do not want it or her. It awfully to speak, but I want, that this pregnancy and this child never was in my life. The husband for me is afraid, and at night to the child there is he (he really is afraid, that I with her shall make something) - but same cannot longly proceed, he vse-taki works. And in the afternoon the nurse is engaged in the child. I it or her am simple even in arms or hand I do not take (and that the most awful at all I do not want). That to me to do or make. I wish to be engaged only in the senior, and it or her as though even is not present. The nurse it is good, and we presume to ourselves the nurse round the clock, but same has not put. What I to hell mother! Where to me to address for the help, prompt. In fact I wanted this child, and now even to look at it or her I do not want. Where in Moscow to find the psychologist on such problem. Help or assist.

12.05.2004, 09:07
That that you understand itself, what is it not correctly, already well. If it is fair, about postnatal or puerperal depressions I only heard, but understand them I can not... What depression, when such native, liked lump series?! On mine doctor Hazhilina very good psychologist, but here this problem to not be solved, contact her internally.

13.05.2004, 16:24
You know, it is certainly blasphemous: to compare the child and a dog, but to explain the point of view, I shall give an example. At me the dog was lost, was very much tjazheno and I have taken in club shchenochka the same breed. Charming, clever, and I feel, that I can not grow fond and become attached it or him to it or him;them, as to the lost dog. And suddenly he was ill, is very serious - an otitis, then an allergy on medicines. The whole month I did not depart from it or him, holiday have taken (did not give - have threatened, that in general I shall leave), veterinarians have replaced a little, to all have learned: and nyxes to do or make, and ushki to clean, etc. to Me spoke, all the same will die, but I have seized it or him death grip and have pulled out. And then has understood, that this puppy - an essence close and liked by me. You do not grow fond of your daughter, yet will not feel, that she requires only you, that without you she will be gone, that its or her life, health, the future depends only on you, instead of from the father or the nurse. As soon as you will feel it (, will feel, instead of will understand - you and so it understand), will become attached in malyshke all heart. Can it is necessary to the nurse to charge the senior son, and most it is as much as possible time to spend with malyshkoj, including at night? Voobshche-that, I very well understand you, I am afraid to have the second child because it seems to me treachery in relation to the first: I shall give him to less time, it is less than attention, than now.

Nika for To.
16.05.2004, 09:49
Basically it agree, probably the stressful situation is necessary to Ekaterina what that to understand, that she likes a daughter. Give the God only that this stress was not so strong... In occasion of the second child, it I already from you chitala-delirium! At us, working mums, at all so it is a lot of time for children, but it always is, is not that so? And by and large, but they each other are, they close and native, they always (almost) together. At my children the difference is less than 2 years, was very serious, but when they podrosli, I do not represent, as in general with one... The house to not leave, together that always and everywhere is cheerful, yes at them simply is small, children's, private life, that seldom happens at the only child in family which, as a rule, always on a kind, And ALL About ITSELF CARE, trying TO GIVE the BEST))) And to it or him;them freedom is sometimes necessary! In any case, the first child will win from occurrence bratika more, or little sisters, than will lose, the another matter if mum is not capable to give love, and love to her replaces egoism and sobstvennechestvo, or still the God knows that, only not love... Then there are situations... As Ekaterina, or has ideas, as at you. Time spent with the child is measured not by minutes and hours, and love...

17.05.2004, 01:03
Poor crumb...

The anonym
17.05.2004, 08:25
Where to find the psychologist? Yes anywhere, in Moscow - that. Open the newspaper. Your status is not normal, it is not natural. When to my daughter was so much-, I too did not test special love to her. And now, her 9 months, and I simply adore it or her.

20.05.2004, 22:01
Ekaterina - explain, please " But she all time cries and never sleeps " - as it?

21.05.2004, 09:56
For ignorant I inform: " also all time it never sleeps shouts " means, that the child sleeps 15 minutes, then it or she within an hour needs to be worn on arms or hand. If it or her to put, she starts to shout and is rolled up up to blue. As soon as it or her you take on arms or hand, silence. The child smiles and is happy. Further it or her within 30 minutes you rock to sleep on arms or hand, and in most cases as soon as its or her fallen asleep polozhesh, she there and then opens eyes and in a minute starts to shout. Here so. Neither you to eat, nor to you in a toilet to descend or go. Here such girl at us.

24.05.2004, 08:44
It you such mum, nothing to expostulate on the girl. What do you want from it or her, if you so to her concern? And when she podrastet and you will show a priority of the senior child? The child reacts to nervousness, tachycardia or cardiopalmus, rough respiration of mother. The nurse an optimum output or exit, differently from the girl will grow the moral invalid. A poor crumb, the rights emotion. At me the nearest girlfriend after an oncotomy cannot become pregnant in any way, makes out adoption, and here such. There are no words. And to go to you to the psychologist it is obligatory. Time to the son such attachment, and the daughter razdrazhaet-looks like the latent sex anomalies. In general, do not hesitate, as the husband you podderzhivaet-address to the psychologist, the psychotherapist. Denis Anatolevich (conference the psychotherapist) very good expert also can arrive home.