Просмотр полной версии : How will consult with pavor before possible or probable illnesses or diseases? And that on me the last...

22.05.2004, 06:29
How will consult with pavor before possible or probable illnesses or diseases? And that on me last time all has successively pulled hard - an appendicitis, kidneys, a genyantritis, and only it becomes better, I think. That becomes worse and why that so it turns out.

23.05.2004, 17:53
It is the law mentalizma: similar pritjagivaei similar. Of that you are afraid, happens. Try to be switched. Eventually become angry on itself, and on each bad idea there and then think out opposite. Success!

Bobrov A.E.
24.05.2004, 01:19
The reasons for such status can be a little - both the raised or increased suspiciousness, and depression, and t. n. somatoformnoe frustration. Most easier really to try to switch attention to something another. But probably it is necessary and to talk personally to the psychotherapist that the expert has objectively estimated or appreciated the reasons of your status and has appointed or nominated sootvetstvujueshchee treatment if it, certainly, is necessary.