Просмотр полной версии : Hello! People and the doctor, at me PA and phobia of public (already also I do not remember, that...

Who nibud with it or this has consulted?!
22.05.2004, 04:38
Hello! People and the doctor, at me PA and phobia of public (already also I do not remember, what has appeared all over again), at somebody so was?? Who nibud with it or this has consulted?! HOW???!!!

Bobrov A.E.
23.05.2004, 11:13
Pavor of public performances or statements - one of variants of a social phobia. There are series of preparations, and also psychotherapeutic approaches. Treatment helps or assists with many cases. I recommend to address to the expert.

23.05.2004, 21:42
Write to me on dana@mail. ru