Просмотр полной версии : I welcome all and I ask advice or council! One month ago has returned from army, there was no house...

10.05.2004, 23:35
I welcome all and I ask advice or council! One month ago has returned from army, there was no house 2 years. 21 year was more recently executed. In time, that I was absent everything has changed practically, and not in the best party or side!! Well that liked for a long time already meets another even to speak I do not want, it is banal and ordinary, and it is not so important. Friends and relatives became any far, have met me well, but then began to treat coldly. Parents are parents, there very well, and here friends became practically another's. I so missed on the house when was in army, thought as it will be healthy to come back home, but there was all is very sad!! Now at all I do not know than to borrow or occupy, such impression, that I have arrived to another's city and I begin a life with zero. Iz-for it or this at me depression has begun, one has started to drink often, it would be desirable to do or make nothing. Can at someone there was a similar situation? Prompt as me to be? All thanks in advance!

14.05.2004, 16:19
At me, certainly such situation was not, but I consider or count, that first of all it is not necessary to run into depression and the more so to drink, and really it is necessary to begin all with zero. First of all to try to be arranged on good job and to put all the forces on job, it is necessary to prove for itself and for the others, that you it is better, and in due course you will have also a girl who will be correct only to you, the main thing to lay down for itself the aim and to try to reach or achieve it or her, success to you.

The anonym
17.05.2004, 12:47
Ksta and at job friends can will appear!)

The anonym
19.05.2004, 16:22
Well and what you wanted? You look or see closely or attentively at the world you surrounding. What there? You served, became the man, you have lived so much peredrjag for these two years, you waited for an occurring with friends, and people that zhtli on a citizen, they are far from it or this. You have very much changed, both character has for certain exchanged, and habits, and desires.. You understand one very simple thing - the life is a life. Whether friends that were? And whether they are necessary to you? SEARCH for job, go study, do not goof off, do not wait when there will pass or will take place couple of months (rest after army), be engaged in already now business, you already adult, you the MAN! TO DRINK for the muzhik of the present, 0 proshedshengo armiju-last business! Respect with itself, and that you will be as yours d "friends", except for a bottle and telki... So, give, the fellow, Be the man.!

20.05.2004, 17:00
Such situation is absolutely normal after long absence - it is necessary to come off the past, to begin anew a life. To reconcile, that nothing will be - former. Think, that you want in a life, that it is pleasant to you - and from it or this make a start.

23.05.2004, 20:40
I advise to go to study: employment or occupation in a life to appear both friends the sea, and the girl will be even better, than previous. You will start to study, itself you will understand than in a life would like to be engaged, and the main thing to appear confidence of own forces.