Просмотр полной версии : Dear doctor Bobrov, I ask the help - from us a problem of children's larceny....

22.05.2004, 12:17
Dear doctor Bobrov,
I ask the help - from us a problem of children's larceny. I know, it is what is it old, as the world, but we do not know what to do or make. To the son of 8 years, 1 j klas, one child, family safe. The son is developed very well, studies at English school, itself with hunting reads (for this uch. Year - all 4 Harrys Potters to not tear off). Goes in for sports. It is a lot of toys, but "do not fill up". As a whole not so indulged, often we refuse in whims, but we try to not press, listen or auscultate. It has begun approximately in 4 years - in sadike, from children took secretly toys and hid in a pocket. Strictly talked, explained. In some months repeated - carried " in militia ", beat a belt. All the same from time to time repeated, including at school. Two weeks ago I have flogged or ripped, when have found out, that he on prodlenku has not given money uchitilnitse, and has bought chocolates and streskal. Thus opened - even looking in eyes uchitilnitse spoke " And to you gave! " . Today at school - has left earlier after a dinner, has risen in a class and has pulled out from a portfolio at the schoolmate of the robot. Besides says lies, opens, that someone has given him, etc. (it is checked up - is not present). But only the day before yesterday it or he had a Birthday - 8 friends, a heap of gifts, games, hum - all was very cheerful. Have presented including such robots (from this series). Today Monday - and again a surprise. What to do or make - it is not known, very much we are upset, it is similar that neither conversations, nor a belt do not help or assist. Help or assist, please, practical advice or council. At me 2 variants on mind or wit: to give even more strong a belt and in the morning to result or bring in a class that before all has explained and has returned, has apologized. Will burn down, probably, with shame, but - can will help or assist. While the first class, I think, it will not leave "brand" in a class (I remember on schoolmates similar histories), except for that soon they will leave on a vacation.

In advance it is very grateful,

23.05.2004, 16:20
Alexey seems to me, you have too gone in cycles in consequence or investigation, and the reason have not found out. It is very difficult to tell or say, that at children on mind or wit. The expert Here should understand. In particular the children's psychologist. And " bitie does not define or determine consciousness ".

Bobrov A.E.
23.05.2004, 19:50
To zhestokostjam and to humiliation to resort I do not advise. In a basis of children's larceny some reasons lay. The main things from them - a unsatisfactory family climate in which the child does not feel affinity with parents and accordingly respect for (I emphasize, what is it subjective sensations of the child, instead of an objective state of affairs). In this connection the child searches for recognitions by means of money or dear or expensive things in the street, in medium of contempoparies. The second reason, and I think, that at your child now she became dominating, - aspiration to acute experiences through larceny. In such cases it is a question about t. n. Kleptomanias. The third reason which also often is present, misunderstanding cost of money is. The child does not correlate a measure of expenditures of labour to cost of money and things. From here and measures on psihokorrektsii. - Normalization of a family climate, creation of conditions for rising at the child of self-esteem, training its or his "earning" of money, granting of opportunities of constructive ways for reception of acute experiences (sports, study, "prestigious" addictings), rendering assistance in finding sotsialnopozitivnoj identity (by the way, in it or this one of the reasons of popularity of Potter).