Просмотр полной версии : At me as the working day so new people and impressions, and it is a lot of time on about...

11.05.2004, 21:47
At me as the working day so new people and impressions, and it is a lot of time on obdumyvanie-that is with whom to work there is nobody, byvaet-it is ready already from inaction a ceiling to whitewash. .tak I about what. .moi friends and friends know, when I work, and know, that I toil, and come to communicate. Also that I zametila-90 % of people when talk, have a manner to not look in the face, and to look in general aside, thus they as though are borrowed or occupied by the mysljami-by expression litsa-unpleasant. I too not always can look in glaza-I at all I do not like it or this to do or make. Well, in the certain situations))) - simply to not manage...) that you about it or this think?) and as that, I have left to smoke on a terrace (it was excruciated from idleness in the summer) - and one has got to the bottom of me hlopets. .tak than he to me has appeared polezen-observant, an infection) - he sprosil-why I look to him in a bridge)))))

13.05.2004, 08:27
Oh, I gde-read that this subject if to look in a bridge that the person on which you so look, myself awkwardly feels, though will remember you but sensations at it or him will be not from the best. And to look in the face or not... Well I think from conversation depends if he "pustovat", it is not interesting to interlocutors that and eyes of a place do not find. Or eyes can give out - if he for example to you on ears hangs up noodles. And sometimes people simply are confused:)

14.05.2004, 08:11
JUlka, I to tell the truth, to him looked in a bridge for two reasons: 1) he it is too close to me has bent, and I should cut simply eyes to look him in the face. 2)... I do not like to look in glaza-specially. To me either it is looked, or it is not looked. And as to lapshi-is not present, anybody does not hang up it or her, simply such working manner to talk. Look or see sama-simply did not pay attention.)

14.05.2004, 16:28
All depends on each person separately. I, for example, at conversation, always look in the face and only in them and as you speak the Herring of 99 percent or interests, as a rule, allocate or remove a view. Why all occurs or happens so - I have tried to respond to this question for a long time. The majority look aside iz-for uncertainty in, the part from us is allocated or removed with eyes because are afraid, that the interlocutor will experience, that and words one is far an idea not and too. For this reason, for me it is very important, that eyes in eyes. In fact knowingly speak, that they - a mirror throttle))).

15.05.2004, 08:34
I in general can look through the person, if to me its or his subject on a drum or reel:) As there you ICQ has earned?:)

15.05.2004, 19:43
JUlka, has earned, only at me Odigo. Lajza if spetsom to press a view, looking in glaza-everybody will allocate or remove, I too tried or tasted. But pont-that in that it was by itself. Understand, chelovek-that does not watch or keep up itself when looks aside)))

16.05.2004, 21:49
Nobody presses, it occurs or happens consensually - a habit)).

17.05.2004, 20:49
You will seldom meet the person with such habit.)

18.05.2004, 16:48
Interesting subject.. .kogda I look people in the face then they are lost and allocate or remove a view. I longly could not understand - why? Then began to suspect behind itself a divergence of pupils in the different parties or sides. This idea and feeling have appeared at me after fortnight dialogue with the slanting person... On sense of our occurring, - the deep, open dialogue was necessary. And it, understand, to look through eyes in depth of soul. Oh, and it is difficult to communicate with such. .v sense if to try to look in the face it or him.. It is then intolerable muscles of eyes hurt. Can be at dialogue with slanting people our eyes too rashodjatsja? pochsle this case I began to notice, that people longly and easy cannot look me in the face at conversation. Also the alarm and nesredotochennost is felt in them. What do you think?

19.05.2004, 01:17
And such subject I wish to tell or say to you a psychological secret as it is possible spojmat a deceit of the person.
In the first, recollect, that when we dream or we think out that then we look to the right upwards.
And here when it is recollected that that, toggda we look to the left downwards... And, believe to me, that I always know, when Putin says lies or speaks the truth. But for all this time I have noticed in him only one deceit. Then he even spoke timidly... And eyes perplexed ran here and there.)))
And in general it beshenno helps or assists concerning spouses. Believe to me and check up! Interestingly!)))

20.05.2004, 14:44
They at you behind glasses or spots, and another's eyes you not videsh.

21.05.2004, 22:53
To look in the face very much helps or assists at conversation from subordinates and harms at conversation with the heads. Hlopets it is simple up to you to get to the bottom has solved)))

22.05.2004, 05:54
If the person you quarrel, you look in the face, and if the person is pleasant, on labiums. And in general that is the most beautiful. " I want always, I wish to look in the face human, and to drink wine and women to kiss and fury of desires to make look fat evening... "