Просмотр полной версии : Hello! With my history any more you will not surprise. Have met on the Internet, HE...

10.05.2004, 08:03
Hello! With my history any more you will not surprise. Have met on the Internet, HE has left work and has arrived to me from dr. Areas. At me the apartment, suited it or him on decent job, care, washing Love. All is remarkable. To me 27 years and to meet completed Free the man and it was not necessary. It was necessary to mould from 25 years or summer the one who is necessary to me. You know, it turned out as never. Also it is suddenly found out, that already after 1 bottle of beer IT or HIM carries as after 2 bottles of vodka and it or he has inexplicable anything an aggression on vsyo-as who surrounds IT or HIM. For the morning nothing remembers. Some times forgave, as a result has sent obratno-domoj-whence has arrived actually. Experiences the sea. He likes me on all parameters, but to me it is terrible with it or him such minutes and if there will be a child and aggression will pour out on the child. What to do or make? How to get rid of it or this? I do not wish to lose this person!

12.05.2004, 13:51
Here I when have written that here, that I do not believe the man which to drink not able, so to a heap bjaki have listened! And I similar had in view of! There are such variants different, the codings which were much or many so live, but I saw such lives from!!! Anything good, what children if to live it is necessary, as on a flank with gunpowder!? Have sent and have sent, zanogo get acquainted!

The anonym
12.05.2004, 21:42
At me the first husband was not able to drink absolutely, and the man was ideal in every respect and on the house and sex and arms or hand gold, etc. Five years tried to be reconciled with its or his disadvantage, as a result he has got drunk and has beaten me, with a knife ran (before such was not). I have left, to me there were 25 years, now to me 27, at me the most remarkable husband on light, pervenets-synochek and I am very happy. Also I want 2 3 more children! Whether think it is necessary to waste time on this person. I too liked the first husband, but... In due course to be saved insult a rage for it or him for its or his these drunk tricks, they and kill love. Do not waste time!

The anonym
16.05.2004, 00:07
If aggression and remembers nothing! For ever... Still silent the drunkard would be... Where there was no also that what for?

17.05.2004, 22:31
Thanks! Thanks for support! Now me at all glozhit conscience and I am absolutely quiet. I shall begin with zero.

Hazhilina I.I.
20.05.2004, 21:56
Hello JUlishna! It is obvious, that at yours the man, for any reasons there is an incompatibility of normal vital activity with the use akogolja the Reasons can be different, for example, that the person drank earlier much and now is the certain stage of development of an alcoholism (when from small kol-VA alcohol there comes such reaction). There can be other reasons: an intolerance an organism of alcohol. It is difficult to me to judge in absentia. But in any case, to him to drink it is counter-indicative in general. Talk to it or him about it or this. Dependence from alkogolja-this disease. And (if the diagnosis will prove to be true) to get rid of it or this it is possible, at its or his very strong desire and at a continuous duty on the decision of this problem saiogo the person.
I napiasla to you about it or him... And now about you In your description me guards following words: It was necessary to mould from 25 go, the one who is necessary The matter is that if from the person something to mould, it means "to try" to alter it or him. Similar "alterations" come to an end sadly. Very much often men with weak character start to drink iz-for impossibility to resist to such approach. Stronger men, simply leave. Accordingly there is a question, whether casually in your life has appeared such the man with such problems? In any case, the reasons of your disorders are covered in the childhood, the period when the first are pawned rostki the vital script and the script of attitudes or relations with an opposite floor, including. And that your attitudes or relations with men became harmonious, it is necessary to investigate or research your script and to correct it or him. You ask what to do or make? To address for internal consultation. As all me stated only hypothetical assumptions. If to you, or to you my help together is required to your friend, you can communicate with me on ph. 8 916 140 74 55 (From Moscow or area). My full data you can find, having pressed a red inscription with initials first name, middle initial, last name

The man
22.05.2004, 02:34
I read and am surprised. To mould the man? Events and a result are natural.