Просмотр полной версии : Ona, neprichodit nocevat domoj, provodit vrema s druzjami s ee zemlakami. M...

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18.05.2004, 19:09
Ona, neprichodit nocevat domoj, provodit vrema s druzjami s ee zemlakami. My zivem zagranicej, vse cuzoe, konecno ne kazdomu nravitsa sidet godami v objhezitii. No kak mne seba vesti? Tolerovat potomu cto ja eto lutshe cem odinocestvo? Potomu cto ja toze ne angel? I nikomu ne nuzen sdes, poka ne vstanu na nogi? Cerez neskolko let. A mozet vygnat ee iz moej komnaty.? Doma vse jasno, no sdes na svoej skure znaju kak nevynosimo kogda naprimer v avtobuse o tebe znajut cto ty absolutno nikomu ne nuzen, i zivesh na dne. Poetomu konecno rveshsa k svoim. A za eto prosto vygnat devushku? No bojus poevlenija rebenka a mne takaja zizn s nej da ejhe rebenok? Eto ad. Cto ja skazu tvoja mama segodna ne pridet domj nocevat? Narod pomogite sovetom molitvoj dobrym slovom cem ugodno.

22.05.2004, 01:08
I think, what you need to talk to the girl (or the wife??) (by the way, you are married? It matters), to understand its or her reason neprihoda home to spend the night. In fact to communicate with druzjami-girlfriends is one, and to spend the night not at home - another. To spend the night at friends, certainly, it is possible, but vo-the first, it should not turn to norm or rate, and vo-the second, she should (if she to you the wife) to warn where and at whom she it is necessary to spend the night. To talk it is necessary seriously, but it is necessarily quiet, without cries and arrivals. By the way, and why you together with her do not go to friends? I think, that then also experiences at you would not be. And to expel the person on street in the another's country - even sounds kak-that krovozhadno...