Просмотр полной версии : Good morning, dear Alexey Evgenevich! At me such trouble. Has arisen vozm...

03.05.2004, 18:56
Good morning, dear Alexey Evgenevich! At me such trouble. There was an opportunity to me with my liked to be at my grandmother, in dvushke. However, crossing or moving is late up to the middle of November. And so, that me excruciates (excruciates - not that word, my life a misery makes!). In a room which to us is conceded by the grandmother, half a year back (in the extremity or end of April) the person, my uncle has died. He has died of a cancer.
Not arranging with Vitalkoj, both of us have understood, that we can not live there. To sleep, make love on this bed, to look in the same point on a ceiling where he when died looked. Help or assist, the Doctor!!!! How to force itself and Vitalku to not think about that, and whether it is possible or probable in general?
Certainly, there are some possible or probable variants, to throw out that sofa, or will be waved by rooms with the grandmother... But for the different reasons it is unacceptable, t. To. The grandmother borzotu simply will not understand ours, she and so does or makes to us the big favor.
Interestingly, in what, in general, a root of a problem? The Shadow of this person (it was very unusual character)? Or notorious phobia of mors?
Excuse for confusion.

04.05.2004, 11:01
The doctor, please, respond, I already on the verge of a psychosis: endlessly I think of it or this, I can do or make nothing with myself, all from arms or hand to fall...
In general, as, where it is possible to learn or find out - more precisely, here the person dies of a cancer how to be protected to relatives? Both morally and physically?

The well-wisher
04.05.2004, 22:14
While there is no doctor, esteem that I shall write to you: At each person the life, a cancer is not passed through air, nutrition and subjects. Rearrange a sofa (bed) in other angle, burn a candle. Descend or go in church at last, put a candle usopshemu and ask of the sanction. pomojte all apartment (for greater confidence), a bath and all subjects which your uncle touched. Tell or say to itself, that All of you have made, that could and live the life. Who should burn down never will sink, who should die in the bed will not die in failure or accident. So live the life and do not cultivate or incubate an idea on mors of the uncle. Success

*** to the Well-wisher.
05.05.2004, 18:14
Dear! That, as to candles and similar, I think, everything is made already, t. To. My grandmother very much glubokoverujushchy the person.
I see two outputs or exits from a situation: 1). Full rearrangement, including new krovat/divan/a sofa (old - 4 5 years, think the grandmother will not go on it), and new wall-papers. But! I am assured, that for. Its or his room - a monument, therefore, excuse... The second output or exit - in general a pipe: kindly to ask. To move to THAT room, and to locate in its or her was or former... I think, that us will not understand. Can to her in a bath or on a balcony?
Superfluous 100 $ 0, 5 years will not rent the apartment still nearby. Joint our life with the grandmother, undoubtedly, the best variant. How to be?

The anonym
06.05.2004, 02:05
And if to try to abstract - present, that you have bought or purchased this room, or have removed or have taken off and do not know its or her all history. Try itself to convince of it or this and simultaneously though kak-that (that in your forces and agents

*** to the Anonym
06.05.2004, 09:25
I have understood you, though, there was an impression, that you have not finished a phrase.
Know, I tried to make and it. Eventually, how much in Moscow of apartments where someone has died? To reflect - one million!
But the pavor (or what is it?) I can not overcome, t. To. I do not know - of that I am afraid? Yes good one, blagovernyj mine (while civil), too, there...
Late Sergey was very unusual the person. He has died half a year back, of a cancer, I already spoke, in the age of 39 years, is more younger than the sister, my mother, for 1 year. If the grandmother - very believing person Sergey was the present or true fanatic of orthodox belief. On all room of an icon, crosses, massive, pressing... I remember, me strained to spend the night in its or his room and at its or his life when he the at home was absent... He would live ALL LIFE with., its or his mother. Was never married Its or His character and even a way of life it is inexplicable
I am afraid to start to get or start similar conversations with. - the wound still so is fresh Suddenly she will solve, what I am banal I disdain? But is not present, disdains, just Vitalka - - chelovecheski it can be understood, Sergey to him - anybody, he did not see it or him never.. But I obviously am afraid of something, whether that
Excuse for confusion, I am at job: to have to write that, to distract
The well-wisher!!! Excuse for rudeness, at me already a paranoia! That I am still adjusted or set still up in this apartment Is paradoxical to live!

07.05.2004, 15:19
I now live in a demountable apartment, its or her owner is in tjurme-psihushke. He has got there after attempt of murder in a status of an acute psychosis (he the schizophrenic). The apartment very much greater or big, terrible and dark, is filled by its or his things, smells, and one room in general is closed on the latch. I live there one. The first week it was very terrible, slept at light, and then has absolutely got used - the native house. My advice or council - move more quickly and do not hammer to itself in a head nonsense.

*** Frivolous
08.05.2004, 06:22
Here see, madam, All of you correctly do or make, you the good fellow, gift or for nothing that Frivolous...
To address on this conference me has induced that opinions of all my close people which influence on me and a certain authority have, dispatch or deliver;have missed in contrast. Kto-someone speaks: " to yourself problems you invent! ", someone speaks: " It is necessary to burn everything what he touched during 39 years! " I for these or it 2 weeks, how much am excruciated by this problem, have learned or have found out 3 000 histories, pro and contra. A result former. I already mind or wit understand, that I bend, but I continue to be afraid itself I do not know that.
From time of occurrence in my life of the liked person, mine the man, me all problems of steel on a brachium. I have received force and an opportunity to change the life and at random. But see, on what nonsense has stumbled... And he, the main thing, there. The person, in the sense, liked.
For today, I am afraid, the session of communication or connection should be finished, t. To. Impudently I maintain a working computer, and I work up to 18 00, as all burzhui.
Help or Assist, people! I Hope, for a night, something will decide somebody

sergej and 12912
09.05.2004, 21:01
Uazhaemaja, at you a sign of the raised or increased uneasiness - it is possible or probable even uncontrollable pavor and phobia - you with them most likely do not consult, and it already the occasion to descend or go to the psychotherapist, cycling n to a problem imaginary she, or istinnaja-to judge not berus-up to good not dovedetpoprobujte for the beginning to change in komnote wall-papers, furniture, old rearrange to the grandmother and explain to her as soon as probably reason of a dyscomfort, and before it or this make to her what nibud a gift, let even otkrytku-it vyrazhenievnimanija to her will not pass or not take place completely all kind.

10.05.2004, 11:33
I here to what wrote this all to consult with pavor, it is necessary to start for something to do or make. You will obey not important what advice or council - to burn its or his things, to glue wall-papers or to rearrange furniture. The main thing - to study or investigate and master territory for now you sit without business or affairs and discuss a problem with the relatives, pavors only are multiplied.

*** to Sergey.
11.05.2004, 10:27
Good morning.
Sergey, at me is not present any signs and if all was so elementary, I would not address for the help so, I am afraid, you have not understood me. In any case, thanks for the answer!
I have made a decision: it is necessary to take courage and move, as though there nibylo. Then, how there will be attitudes or relations at us a two with the grandmother, something to change, if such need will still be saved.
To the shame I recognize, that the person approving or confirming: " It is necessary to burn everything what late Sergey for 39 years " - mine blagovernyj touched. This childhood? And how with it or this to struggle? I very hypochondriac person, thought Vitalka me will support or maintain, and it has appeared...

Efremov A.G.
12.05.2004, 16:49
Dear * **. In my opinion, Frivolous the rights in the references. In obshchem-that in it or this also consists a major principle of struggle against similar pavors - to overcome pavor before something - is better to begin with it or this something peacefully to coexist. First chut-hardly, then still chut-hardly, then longer, etc. Frightens mostly Uncertainty as those and when you will get mixed up in business becomes not up to pavors - of cares it will be full. There podmesti, here to rearrange, it to shift. So gradually, you also will start to render habitable a place, and the place will start to get used to you. By the way, look narrowly at icons and crosses. Perhaps, some of them have value. And not only kulturno-historical. I do not advise them to sell (as the grandmother will be against). Simply, in this case you on them can look not so much as on the mystical object connecting or binding this world with do not understand than , how much as on art value. And your relative, apparently, the person uncommon was. Than pavors to itself to wind, it is better on ask at the grandmother more in detail (right now), that for the person was. If will be interested in its or his destiny sincerely, that, I believe, to the grandmother the consolation will be pleasant also you will deliver to her the genuine care. In fact, it is its or her son was, vse-taki. It is not excluded, that very interesting details from its or his biography, and, quite earth, instead of mystical which it is necessary to be afraid will open.

13.05.2004, 10:31
And still it is possible to make in this case only one thing, well two: to wash up a room - well, not easier or simply to wash floors, but also to wipe windows, and walls whenever possible, and all subjects in a room, including connected with Sergey. If the grandmother will resolve, to re-stick wall-papers. The matter is that to wash a room - has put as though sacred at crossing or moving. Hardly the grandmother can object to the maintenance or contents in cleanliness of a room of the son, especially if you motivate it respect for its or his memory:) And a secret that is necessary in water for washing to add or chut-hardly bleaching powder (including it is simple for disinfection), or it is simple any good washing-up liquid. If it will be possible also wall-papers to re-stick, it will be ideal. After all it or this a room carefully to air.
What from this all will be? In a room will change _ _, __. It is enough of it or this More often to feel a room of "", and than itself in her - is much quieter:)

13.05.2004, 19:13
Many thanks to all!!! Well, and how now to be with blagovernym? (To the shame I recognize, that the person approving or confirming: " It is necessary to burn everything what late Sergey for 39 years " - mine blagovernyj touched. This childhood? And how with it or this to struggle? I very hypochondriac person, thought Vitalka me will support or maintain, and it has appeared...) in what roots of its or his behaviour? The variant " Unwillingness to live with mnoj/with me at the grandmother " - is swept aside.
Frivolous, I wait!

14.05.2004, 06:53
I can assume, that your friend suggests to go on such extreme measures to calm you, knowing about your suspiciousness. And, can, you have simply infected with its or his pavors. Talk to it or him seryozno, let know, that are adjusted or set up resolutely and be afraid of nothing, state to him a plan of action (to clean or remove, wash, re-stick) and, the main thing, ask it or him TO HELP or ASSIST you. Joint activity will install confidence of both. Success!

*** Frivolous
15.05.2004, 03:40
Thanks, the friend!
When we with Vitalkoj face to a dilemma and we do not know how to act or arrive, I drive it or him to its or his mum is very wise person. And so, at it or her we have already visited. She has told or said: It "is impossible". It is impossible to sleep on a bed where someone has died, it is unimportant from what, it is impossible to buy the machine or car where someone was lost (is killed - unimportantly, accident, or that). And in general, when its or her father has died, she personally observed, how processed, ostensibly in the special chamber bed-clothes (he has died in hospital). Almost did not burn! (well-being of regional hospitals grows!) its or his mum - indisputable authority, me supported or maintained in its or his eyes. To what I this all? Itself I do not know. I have accepted the decision, a word for the boy.
Frivolous! If, how much an apartment you remove or you take out? * it is simple *

15.05.2004, 19:53
I am pricked - on 50 $, but I not in Moscow, here am cheaper.
Inside awfully, but open space - it is possible to go for a drive on a bicycle.

*** Frivolous
16.05.2004, 23:02
Thanks, Frivolous! E-mail the to draw to me you do not want?

17.05.2004, 19:05
While such svet1. beep. ru, write chyont!

19.05.2004, 02:17
Sorry, a dog has forgotten svet1@beep. ru

*** Frivolous
19.05.2004, 22:05
I yesterday have sent you the report on elektronke, it is not has reached or not cunning?

21.05.2004, 10:38
Cunningly, shchas the answer I shall write: o).