Просмотр полной версии : Dear Doctor and all have visited or attended conferences! Two are coming me very much seryozny...

07.05.2004, 12:58
Dear Doctor and all have visited or attended conferences! Two are coming me very much seryoznye changes which can quite lead to a serious nervous attrition or a confluence of depression. Vo-the first, I for ever leave from the country in which has lived almost 20 years. I still here, but already represent, as the melancholy creeps. Dreams are seen corresponding or meeting, by me - in Russia, and the soul has remained here, in one of former republics to not leave - I can not, us, Russian here there was units, without a hint on any prospects, and that, there will be a new pilgrimage leaving, turns in Embassy in the spring and. t. d. At me here anybody is not present, except for the husband (about it or him I already wrote ). In Russia - ALL my family. Friends all have parted, have remained individual relatives, in our tongue soon here speak not will.. But in this country there has passed or there has taken place my youth, the student's years, the first love, a marriage, a birth of the child, the cheerful companies of friends On a new place to me all will have to begin all over again. I am good to eat relatives and the person indecently sociable, but I can not present myself in cold Rossijsoj to winter, without this blossoming spring, always the warm sun and mountains is silly, can be live past, but departure comes nearer also my heart burns a pain Vo-the second as at us with the husband anything good does not leave, I shall leave it or him here, I shall leave only with a daughter, all still I like it or him.., but it is time to close the comprehensive school, he to not change, unfortunately..

10.05.2004, 05:31
Emotion, you are really very emotional, excuse for a tautology. The problem of crossing or moving and adaptation on a new place really uneasy also is required time, but already now it is necessary for you to cease to slight itself. You that, to Kolyma leave? Mountains are not present. .vesny does not happen. .vechnaja the frozen ground and grey landscapes In Russia too is mountains, the seas, woods and beauty and even if that place where you move will ravninnym-it too can become for you unique and native, it is necessary to grow fond of it or him only. Therefore down with sad ideas, return to the past and old perezhivanija-to you the destiny gives chance to begin a life with pure or clean lista-it difficultly, but it interestingly and carries in itself many advantages, the main thing to look at a problem under the necessary angle!
As to your husband then crossing or moving too on ruku-separation will force you - to look to another at your attitudes or relations to rethink their and the decision will be, I am assured.

12.05.2004, 09:07
In your situation there is huge plus - you should not study or investigate foreign tongue!

15.05.2004, 03:07
I see people with experience...

18.05.2004, 11:27
Emotion, and can look or see at all on the other hand?
At you really new coil in a life. You as I understand also go, not on an empty place. Yes, melancholy, nostalgija-it is very serious. Here I, for example, should move in other apartment, other district of Moscow and to me it is already melancholy. And here at you parting with the husband. Noe sli you have put all points above i operate or work, you already 10 times have considered all and have weighed, is assured. Success to you!

19.05.2004, 23:27
Emotion, and you in what country live? Can sosedi-fellow countrymen? I too am going to to leave, on the historical Native land.

21.05.2004, 03:34
I "live" in Ashkhabad...