Просмотр полной версии : I do not know how to act or arrive. 2 years has worked in parent organization, went n...

13.05.2004, 04:44
I do not know how to act or arrive. 2 years has worked in parent organization, went on job in the center a floor of hour since morning and nearby to an hour in the evening. Now to me have offered job in filiale-it near the house, to go it is not necessary anywhere. And in payment I lose nothing (the truth and I do not get). In parallel with it or this, one absolutely similar, but independent of this where I work, the organization, also has invited me to job. The truth a payment there on pair thousand (in roubles) above, but in five is more than official duties of times. And certainly it is necessary to go (at me there is no machine or car and I am compelled or forced to go on service transport).
I need to make a choice. But he can appear erroneous. Probably I here not write all.

13.05.2004, 15:53
Yes, it is necessary to do or make a choice to you. I (I speak about myself, but suddenly and to you will help or assist) have looked or seen, for me it is the most important. Money (this pair thousand). Presence of a free time for family, this or that job is how much interesting to me. Well and readiness is more to work, whether there will be forces on family after that.

15.05.2004, 15:14
Money, transport is all nonsense, if to you not 60 years. It is necessary to choose a place where there are more than prospects of the further body height.

19.05.2004, 06:58
I do not have family and there is no private life. As they say - if it is bad, in all sectors of a life