Просмотр полной версии : To me it is removed or is taken off;dream dreams, very bright and substantial, I tell them also to me anybody...

07.05.2004, 04:00
To me it is removed or is taken off;dream dreams, very bright and substantial, I tell them also to me believes nobody, speak, cinema looked or in the book have read through. The husband speaks, the darling, at you with brains not by way of... He is not right?

The anonym
09.05.2004, 02:28
In jasnovidenie and remote dialogue, reading of the information and ideas too many do not believe, but they in fact exist. I believe you.

The anonym
11.05.2004, 14:35
Babbling! Talk on this subject with doktorm Pronin.

The anonym
14.05.2004, 19:56
Babbling! Talk on this subject to doctor Pronin.

18.05.2004, 17:14
http: // www. fund-intent. ru/pubst/st0012vk. shtml