Просмотр полной версии : Dear psychologists, prompt please. As a civil marriage bezbolezne...

09.05.2004, 19:10
Dear psychologists, prompt please. How a civil marriage bezboleznenee to translate or transfer in normal, with a die? At us like very well, but every year tightens or delays and any more you do not understand as now to play on duty wedding words and so on. The best girlfriend in general assures, that after civil there is only a break of attitudes or relations, instead of wedding. And consequently it is not necessary and to think of normal marriage or spoilage. But I hope...

The anonym
11.05.2004, 08:48
So you business start! Does not wish to marry, and run from it or him. That in vain to hatch out? Not he, so other interested person will be! I assure you! And so it is possible and to grow old with mechtamio family and a legal marriage...

12.05.2004, 07:17
So you with the girlfriend to undersign are going to?! Or vse-taki with the husband? And it is necessary to him? You asked it or him?

The anonym
12.05.2004, 10:03
Lilja and who has told or said, what the die in pasorte holds ilisvjazyvaet naveka? It is possible to live all life in a civil marriage and to be dear and liked, and it is possible to pass or take place procedure through the REGISTRY OFFICE and to run up, as in the sea the ships. Do not concentrate attention on nonsenses.

12.05.2004, 14:04
Well why, NONSENSES! Each woman would like to be the WIFE! Can be Lile it would be desirable to be the OFFICIAL WIFE, instead of CIVIL! I too was the civil wife within 5 years... Very much it would be desirable in marriage! It would be desirable a ring! Whether It would be desirable ofitsialnosti that.... My "husband" was only for, it I pulled something.... And here has come to pass! And I am happy!!!!
Certainly, how much people, are so much opinions. But, some "kind" people very much often compare the civil wife as sozhitelnitsu. It is very insulting!!!!!

13.05.2004, 17:29
What abnormal in a civil marriage? Registration of marriage or spoilage is a legal procedure: have submitted the application or statement, have paid the duty or tax, have come to the appointed or nominated day and hour, to a question registratorshi have responded "yes", have put signatures. All. Where here on duty wedding words, and what for in them it is necessary to play?

14.05.2004, 10:18
Yes, the civil marriage tightens or delays... Simply and directly tell or say to him about the desire. I, in due time, and have made, t. To. I very much would like smart wedding with a white dress and a heap of visitors:) and that there spoke to be the official wife vse-taki
Much more pleasantly.

15.05.2004, 06:58
Vestiges of all this, and your girlfriend, excuse, it is incompetent. She that, the supernumerary, and operates with digits? The facts the people living for 30 years in a civil marriage speak, that in the West, and the some people already having grandsons, marry in kontse-the extremities or ends. The desire to have a die in the passport as well as the white dress, is connected with own vanity and ambition, as though in a mud to not strike the face before the neighbour, " and at us is not worse ", as they say on the one hand, and with another it would be desirable pobyt queen on ball, that to love any attitude or relation has no. It is better to live in a civil marriage, than to appear in a situation, that " the die could not be put ". In the developed countries of passports that internal is not present, what there dies! The country at us such, as a zone, a brand on a forehead and everything, therefore and the attitude or relation at people such to civil wives. All this will change, do not worry. Like and budte are liked, and time will place all on the places. Pulling the man conversations on marriage or spoilage only will push away they be men are timid. The offer should sound from its or his party or side.

The student of psychology
16.05.2004, 06:41
Your girlfriend basically the right One of the main rules if you want in marriage do not live with it or this the man a civil marriage

Marja Ivanovna
16.05.2004, 19:54
To the student of psychology: And still the student of psychology! You that though know a life? Or own experience prompts such ideas?

18.05.2004, 09:40
Mare Ivanovne unfortunately I much in this life have learned or have found out God forbid such to learn or find out to that from stresses vetoj lives I have earned a diabetes mellitis with early complications a polycystosis of ovaries and other trifles vobshchem the endocrine system has handed over stress and so experience already is available I do not advise to be typed or collected by its or his mine by