Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the dear doctor! To me interestingly your opinion here about what: ponjatn...

16.05.2004, 14:05
Hello, the dear doctor! To me interestingly your opinion here about what: Clearly, that the person since the childhood absorbs in itself public and family concepts, rules, views, dogmas, etc., vyrostaet with already quite developed opinion on all (konechno-it varies during a life). Now many the different spiritual doctrines, speaking that the person can soberly think and react to situations only with so-called "nezamutnyonnym" concepts consciousness. e. It should be absolutely cleared of any programs and rules and should be irrespective of external influences. As a matter of fact speaking, the person should not be adhered to an external world, should be independent of it or him. But, in fact then to him will be unnecessary to aspire to the best, not speaking about more seryoznyh problems. What do you think of it or this? It seems to me, what is it harmful enough to the person and its or his development philosophy or even utopian any. Thanks.

Tolokonin A.O.
17.05.2004, 19:56
Dear JUlja!
When the person to learn to not become attached to an external world, he gives attention internal more. It only the beginning of a spiritual way of development of the person. The psychotherapy of the person, basically, is directed on this stage that the person has learned to be present at a situation, instead of to depend on it or her. Wisdom is in many respects, only it is necessary to learn to understand it or her. Try to reach or achieve this status then will answer this question and will understand what to do or make further.

18.05.2004, 07:24
Thanks. But in fact various situations push the person to the certain feelings, whether tak-? If it is hardly sick relatives, it is possible to test grief, alarm, compassion you can not test pleasure from an event, whether tak-? e. In each situation the adequacy of behaviour and feelings, and it already is considered dependence in the given doctrines. In these philosophies it is spoken that the person should on get rid so much from external what even its or his feelings should not depend on a situation, t. e. He can feel that wants, down to pleasure on funeral of the liked person! If so as the person can estimate or appreciate, realize all seryoznost situations if will test initially everything, what to him will take in head? In fact it is known that to realize a situation to us the certain feelings and ideas help or assist. I always considered or counted, that the certain ideas cause the certain feelings but as in unpleasant circumstances it is possible to test pleasant emotions (if only a little momeditirovav, having disconnected or having switched-off, but not in general, in fact!). Well I understand, if as dependence to consider or count full leaving or care in a situation and pogrjazt in serious emotions, not seeing an output or exit..., however I spoke about such doctrine when the person in general does not depend in any way on circumstances initially, t. e. To him it is good always. I consider or count such independence abnormal, and you?