Просмотр полной версии : Hello! Can not on a subject, but vse-taki I shall risk to ask. Here at me pr...

16.05.2004, 05:06
Hello! Can not on a subject, but vse-taki I shall risk to ask. Here at me a problem, several months ago with smoj the attack has happened, went along the street and suddenly something has happened. At all I do not know as to describe more precisely as bud-that on a body the adrenaline has spread and could not swallow. As though the swallowing reflex has disappeared. Has thought, that at me heart attack. Miracles have then begun! In some days sudden stethalgias have begun, air did not suffice, pressure skipped. Never SUCH was! Has laid down in hospital, it was completely surveyed. Have not found at me anything, except for a hernia of an esophageal aperture of a diaphragm! Doctors have told or said, that at me a dystonia. Here already half a year as I try to be treated. I accept an alternating douche more correctly, had a rest on the sea, simulators I play about. That to me stirs or prevents the only thing, so it is bent for to alcohol. Once has not died nearly during a hang-over of a wet brain! One features already it was few times typed or collected properly after that case. Here has now addressed to anonymous topers anschet correspondences by mail, can will help or assist me finally to stop to drink. Give the God! And so, now during a hang-over at me problems with a swallowing arise. It is difficult to swallow a saliva! Here now I sit after yesterday's popoishcha and I am afraid, that the swallowing reflex will give up! Unpleasant sensation, we shall directly tell or say... I understand what to drink it is necessary to throw, but it already other subject. And so, these problems with a swallowing can be " from a head "? I went to the local psychotherapist, like all over again polegchalo, then all the same there were sometimes problems. And trust he has not inspired something to me, young too... There Can be my problems with a swallowing mental? In fact at me not constantly such sensation, and happens sometimes.

Bobrov A.E.
17.05.2004, 17:57
Edward! You describe typical enough picture of the panic attack which has arisen on a background of abusing by alcohol. Your problems with a swallowing, really, " from a head ". To drink it is necessary to throw unequivocally. And at the psychotherapist to pass or take place course of treatment it is necessary.