Просмотр полной версии : Greetings to all. I read this page for a long time, and to ask advice or council from smelos...

05.05.2004, 12:47
Greetings to all. I read this page for a long time, and to ask advice or council from boldness did not suffice. I here about what. Our attitudes or relations proceed here 6 years. To me has knocked 25, to him 27. Together we do not live, but he suggested to move to it or him;them thus not consulting with mother, she agrees the extraneous person in their house or not. Last 2 years gnetet feeling that you use me. He speaks always what I beautiful, that at me the beautiful body, likes to look at me, speaks that likes,
Misses, in the help never refuses. But at the same time to create family does not want. Earlier and in general spoke, that I do not approach or suit him. That I too gentle and soft, that he will not listen to me also I cannot put it or him through a course of sprouts. Now speaks - that I without you would do or make. Once tried to go on the party or side, but, as he said, could not overcome conscience. I have changed, for what struggled on that and have run, as speak. Wanted echinoid mittens - receive. But also its or his attitude or relation to me too has changed. Now he can offend, offend me, and then as the beaten dog to look in eyes being sorry. Many times "caused" on conversation of what already to be defined or determined with the future. I in fact want family and children, me already 25. Also I am was insolent or keep for it or him not iz-for calculation, it or him simply is not present, last 3 months he does not work and before money with a shovel did not row, I am simple it or him I like. We meet on Friday in the evening, he brings me to itself(himself) home, to Sunday brings to me in the afternoon. And as pass or take place all prazdniki-at it or him. For 6 years such "schedule" of occurrings to me ochchchen has bothered, and he refuses to understand it, is jealous when I oppose to it or this and I refuse to go. Its or his such life arranges. At week-days mum will feed, obstiraet, clothes will iron. In target I shall arrive "shall serve", I shall shirk, splash in emotions... And thus strongly to strain it is not necessary. I such state of affairs was got by me have dug or run into conversation, and in the answer to me was - all pairs have on 5 year a crisis - shall go through. But same at married couples! Conversation always shirks, but in conversation with friends that I without ceremony can tell or say its or his bride, and even and prosto-the wife. Though offers never did or made. At the best he can tell or say - do not experience all at us it will be good. Can dream simply as we shall name children. But process of conception watches or keeps up as tserber, that one spermatozoon casually would escape. And how much to me to wait it it is good, I then and to give birth or travail I can not any more. Last time I catch myself on an idea that it is necessary to leave, but I can not. I have got used to it or him;them, soul have become attached. In fact I experienced all its or his rises and falling, all hvori. Who as not I supported or maintained it or him and calmed or abirritated when there was a period of failures - loss of the job, the broken machine or car. In fact I then have not thrown it or him, though could. Opinion my native - throw, on itself light a wedge has not converged, there will be also others. How you consider or count, and to act or arrive or wait for 6 more years?

06.05.2004, 10:02
If it is short - that you wish to create family, and yours the man does not want. Choose that for you more important - family or easier or simply to be with it or him together. Think before to choose well - if will choose family - still it is not known whom there will be your future elect. And if choose yours the man - there is a probability that will remain one by 30 35 years, and will arrange private life more difficultly.
Conclusion one - to choose it is necessary.
If nevertheless will choose family - tell or say to yours then already was or former to the man why you have made such choice - and probably your hardness natolknet of it or him on an idea that it is necessary to run in juvelirku behind a ringlet. Success.

07.05.2004, 07:21
Others will necessarily, it is exact... Well, and it is possible to try to talk to it or him - good, once again PRECISELY having explained the wishes and demands. And, in conversation it is necessary to describe more colourfully its or his prospects if he, at last, will not listen. If he requires your attitudes or relations will go on concessions... Certainly, there are also other ways, for example, to play on its or his jealousy, feeling of the property, etc...

08.05.2004, 00:20
IRISH, I cannot entice it or him in marriage networks painting iridescent prospects. To play on jealousy it is dangerous - he is jealous and once has told or said, that if learns or finds out that from me intimate relations with another, to this person not pozdorovitsja. Probably Man the rights - it is necessary to put it or him before a choice and to not allow to hang up to me noodles. Well and if he will choose freedom how it to go through? I shall not palter - I do not wish it or him to lose. More shortly - a vicious circle.

; A jasmin
08.05.2004, 18:24
And how about that to give him the kinder a surprise in sense to become pregnant? Where will not get to "will fall in love and marries, or will be any time the civil wife when together you live much easier to affect or influence that that all has ended with wedding.

10.05.2004, 08:43
You, probably, have not so closely read through... Prospects I had in view of completely not iridescent - and prospects to lose you if he will not go on the compromise. And, still or even, to cause or call jealousy it is not obligatory to have " intimate relations with another "...

11.05.2004, 23:38
I cannot become pregnant - he tschatelno supervises process detorozhdenija. About children can sometimes dream, select a name or tell or say - at us there will be very beautiful children. When will be? How they will turn out? Even if zaberemenneju he will tell or say, what is it not its or his child.

13.05.2004, 00:08
I here have read through the report Fibers and I understand, that it is necessary to act or arrive as it was made by her. But how to secure itself against sufferings and samoedstva.

13.05.2004, 19:47
Excuse for a categoriality, but in the given situation it is necessary or to leave yet late or any female dodges tynut it or him tihonechno to an idea on necessity of a marriage. If these female dodges even were partly familiar to me, I already was the "happy" wife of the person not liking me. Very much this control over "birth rate" is familiar to me. In your situation there can be all differently (very or very much on it hope) then razrashite to advise to bring in your attitudes or relations certain prohladtsu in relation to it or him;them and full apathy to marriage or spoilage...

14.05.2004, 19:57
Do not excruciate itself. Trust the heart. It for a long time already to you all ears has buzzed that he not yours, that he uses you, and t. p, etc. At you to it or him;them a habit, not love. This simply such time at you, it will pass or take place and soon there will be that unique and not povtorimyj. Only it or this that leave.

15.05.2004, 12:40
As kogda-that and I have met the control detorozhdenija from the man, I can tell or say he was arranged with " all convenience ". Sweet trills about the general or common future he most likely wishes to lull your vigilance, a pier anywhere from you I shall not get to. And that at it or him in a head the fortuneteller can tell or say probably only if you certainly in it believe!

16.05.2004, 07:20
Pride, or its or her rests, do not allow me to marry female dodges it or him to itself. I cannot be imposed. Though, as speak, for achievement of the purpose all agents are good. I to am very adhered. I from other city, there there were all friends and, in due time, he to me has replaced all of them. And even it is more - its or his friends became mine. Thanks everyone who has responded. Simply once again it was convinced, that I think correctly. As though it to realize?