Просмотр полной версии : Here sometimes I look here and I am surprised, that all of you still sit in this or thus empty...

10.05.2004, 04:21
Here sometimes I look here and I am surprised, that all of you still sit in this or thus empty konfe....
Glance more deeply in the Internet!!!
There is so much, that can increase you in all rastjazheniii a human brain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! VAU!!!!)))

The anonym
10.05.2004, 23:08
For example?

11.05.2004, 22:55
I support or maintain you, Klava. Dear friends, really nobody would be desirable to communicate "alive", having left this konfu to doctors and people to problems?

12.05.2004, 22:13
Klava, at you what that limited imagination.! What means we sit? It is not complex or difficult to me to come in konfu, that be to write and leave. To sit it is possible with such program as Asya or Odiga. As though that everyone sit and pjaljatsja on page of the psychologist for three hours and more.
Each person has liked places where he constantly comes. I want that image Hucha still was.)

13.05.2004, 22:17
Huch, I yesterday yours nik have written ka the reference or manipulation, type from JUlki to you so the report have not passed or missed for not normative lexicon!:) and on the bill we sit, so it is unequivocal Klava you are not right, we here with pleasure look, t. To have noticed interesting (for itself at least) people. That and to you we wish:)

15.05.2004, 03:26