Просмотр полной версии : Hello! I wish to share a problem which excruciates me already half a year...

07.05.2004, 09:43
Hello! I wish to share a problem which excruciates me already half a year. The beloved we met mine year, for this time there were periods of coolings when we we did not quarrel, and simply did not meet, everyone lived the life. At this time he, as was found out, has met the former girl as thought, that with me of anything seryoznogo it will not turn out. He is more senior than me for 20 years and very much wanted children, therefore, when its or his former girl has told or said, that is pregnant, he has agreed to help or assist her. He works abroad and half of time spends there and when comes lives there as, as he said, cannot leave its or her one with the child. He to me is very dear or expensive, probably, it is the real love of which dream everything, and at me heart is broken off or lacerated that I lose it or him. He too speaks, that to him is serious and it is a pity, that he has just now understood, that I for it or him mean. He does not respond to questions on the future, to marry they like are not going to yet, but whether it means, what I have a chance? This girl very beautiful, finalistka competition of beauty, and in fact it is pleasant to have such girlfriend or even the wife for man's vanity. And it still adds sufferings and complexes. Besides at them the child who will grow up and treboat all more presence of the father. On the other hand, in fact people get divorced and then simply help or assist children. And more, by my character, a mental warehouse, I the one-woman man and, having thrown or stopped it or this the man, shall doom myself to improbable sufferings (I obviously not from what will leave one, plachut-suffer, and in a month already with another, about all have forgotten and are happy). Especially iz-for the certain circumstances at me very limited circle of dialogue, and, knowing myself, without this person I can lose everything, that me pleased in a life. Can, somebody can help or assist wise advice or council to that the output or exit from a situation is visible. I shall be immensely grateful.

07.05.2004, 22:46
Fairly also I do not know what to advise. But personally I not so well concern to the divorced men. Why? I Can explain. Where there are guarantees that he will not throw you and will not leave again to her? What it or him does not arrange in her? Whether there Can be you such as she and yes better? I know, many will tell or say, what is it bosh, but it not so. You can and there is for it or him that unique but as you can spojno live knowing that for the sake of you he has thrown a beauty and the child. We are women seldom we are able to do it. Whether mine to you advice or council solve itself you can accept it or him and not reproach yourself, not think that she better? And whether he can convince you, what you for it or him everything, instead of you will mentally compare you to her? And if it is fair, do or make how you want also the main thing, do not regret about it or this.

11.05.2004, 10:05
I think, you have a chance. Only do not compare itself to its or his girl! You are not worse and it is not better than it or her, you is simple ANOTHER. If you realize it, will get rid of unnecessary complexes. The beauty much means for the man, but it far not solving or deciding argument. Simply be while with it or him, meet, you have on this full right. To exercise the wit and invent any extreme dodges that it or him to keep it or him, it is not necessary. If it is destiny, you will be together when he will understand, that you and are ITS or HIS WOMAN. Let to him time it know. And with the former girl it or he is connected or bound most likely only with feeling of a duty or debt. That, by the way, characterizes it or him very much even positively.

The anonym
14.05.2004, 07:41
But most of all you in itself like its or his hard purse;-))))

14.05.2004, 15:39
Huge all thanks for advice or councils! Thanks for hope which has given me ___. You the truth consider or count, what I can continue to meet it or him and I have on this right? We did not see it or him of more month, I so wished to finish all it, but without it or him I as it was found out, I can not neither work, nor have a rest. Not in pleasure there was New year, all holidays, anything. I have gone through much, in a life happened seryoznye troubles that is called, " between a life and mors ", but I have sustained all, and to me it was never bad as now. To me becomes badly physically when during our occurrings he is called by her. I feel last the swine, spending time with the person, which house is waited by the child. Its or his money me do not interest, and he knows it, how speaks, such seldom meets. There is a high probability of that just that woman has decided to give birth from it or him iz-for its or his security. And me what here money when the love in which I never believed, has covered with itself all and does not allow to leave and live without it or him.

14.05.2004, 20:17
Svetlana, it is not necessary itself in what to blame. Your situation not absolutely usual. I not so well concern to girls who very much try to break family, but at you not that case. That the cunning beauty has decided to provide the future, not your problem. And if to you this is so dear or expensive the man be not receded. Kakie-I hardly can offer any concrete actions to you, not knowing yours and its or his nature. On someone ultimatums operate or work, under someone it is necessary "to dig" longly and thus "to drip" on brains. Approaches sumete to find, the love will prompt you.