Просмотр полной версии : Good afternoon. I am am disturbed very strongly with dreams. All dreams: job, rodstvenn...

08.05.2004, 20:01
Good afternoon. I am am disturbed very strongly with dreams. All dreams: job, relatives, horrors, can both all together. And it every night. Night when to not dream anything it the happiness is simple. I wake up the had a rest, full forces. And after dreams I wake up broken, I do not understand actually it happens, slowly I come to the senses, rastavljaju all in places that has dreamed that was literally yesterday. What to me to do or make? They have simply tortured me.

Hazhilina I.I.
12.05.2004, 13:21
Dear Irina! Similar in your life something occurs or happens, there are any problems which excruciate you. Your dreams of reflection of these experiences. Solve problems and dreams will cease to exhaust you!

The professor
13.05.2004, 11:22
In dreams us too often force something to fulfil. Concern to it or this more easy. If there is an opportunity, wake up itself (without an alarm clock).