Просмотр полной версии : What for the psychiatry is necessary? Will agree, mental diseases it is impossible vilechit...

The anonym
02.05.2004, 17:05
What for the psychiatry is necessary? Will agree, mental diseases it is impossible vilechit.

Everyone more or less skilled or experienced psychiatrist if business concerns or touches the close person, the friend or the relative, will make all that this person as it is possible later from the moment of the beginning of the disease has got in an insane hospital, and is better, if he there will not get at all. Because each psychiatrist knows: than earlier the person gets in an insane hospital and the earlier he starts to accept psychiatric treatment, the there comes its or his degradation more quickly. The patient falls as the human being all below and below and, eventually, starts to conduct so-called vegetative, that is a vegetative way of life, when all its or his desires are reduced only eating, sleeping and sending other needs of nature. What it for methods?
Wet packs are a method which is used till now at which the person turn as a doll, in bedsheets and namachivajut their cold water. Thus the person tests a strong frigorism and panic pavor as in this status he is absolutely defenceless.
Psychosurgery, that is surgical destruction of a brain. One of the most widespread and often applied variants psihorirurgii is reduced to that a steel spoke pierce sideways from an eye near to a nose an orbit (is very thin ossicle or bonelet), the spoke passes or takes place in frontal parts of a brain and then it or her turn around, simply destroying or blasting a brain of the person. After such operation the person completely loses human appearance for ever. He becomes, already on what is not capable.
Electroconvulsive therapy, or EST. At this method of treatment, on a head of the person electrodes are imposed, and the category of an electric current by a strain from 90 up to two hundred volt is passed or missed. Thereof at the person the real epileptic attack with all consequences following from here and complications develops. Not only that EST it is accompanied by quite often lethal outcome, by psychiatrists as a result of the analysis of a plenty of cases of application EST it is statistically proved, that as a result of its or her application for people there is a destruction of a brain to education in a tissue of a brain of the emptiness filled by a liquid. Thereof the person loses memory, there is a frustration of job of glands of internal secretion to development of endocrine diseases and finally also there is a full destruction of the person of the patient.
One more modern method of treatment mentally sick is insulinno-comatose therapy. The short of a method consists that to the person the greater or big dose of a hormone of a pancreas of an insulin is entered extremely and at it or him there comes a coma, a status of which quite often die sick of a diabetes mellitis.
Till now such method of treatment, as sulfazinoterapija is used. At this method of treatment to the person enter a syringe Solutio oleosa of sulfur. As a result in a place of a nyxis there is a terrible pain, a tumescence, an erythema, up to forty degrees the body temperature raises or increases, the terrible ache in all body is felt. Not casually this method is applied as punishment of "disobedient" patients. After several such procedures the person becomes to consonants on all. He is ready to transfer or carry any violence if only only to not repeat this medical torture.
At last a psychopharmacotherapy, that is treatment of mental diseases by means of various chemical compounds. It is necessary to note, that psychiatric medicines becomes more and more and more. New names of these preparations fall upon us every year an avalanche. Many of them become for people same habitual as Aspirinum, are on sale without the prescription and even start to be distributed at schools by teachers or school psychologists that pupils became quieter. Us assure of that, what is it absolutely harmlessly and does not give any negative consequences. But it not so. There are no harmless psychiatric agents, is simple because these chemical compounds, getting into cells of a brain, lead to irreversible disturbance of the chemical processes proceeding in a human brain. These substances, as though they were not called, give only two effects: They cause terrible depression, improbably morbid and uncontrollable spastic stricture of the muscles, exhausting restlessness as a result of which patients cannot find to themselves a place, and are compelled or forced by the whole days to go continuously from an angle to an angle. The status caused by these substances, is the burdensomest, and the faces containing in insane hospitals, any truths and nepravdami try to avoid reception of these medicines. The second group of substances causes feeling of calmness, improves mood, causes a relaxation of muscles (including muscles of heart, that sometimes leads to its or his stopping and mors of the person). At long reception of these medicines, they cause accustoming, occurrence of dependence on them, mental and physical, and, as consequence or investigation of it or this, the deterioration of state of health resulting their cancelling. But that here is described one to one is observed at the person when he accepts narcotics and becomes the narcomaniac. Actually, these medicines also are anything to others, as narcotics. They, by the way speaking, rather often with this purpose both are used by narcomaniacs and have the specific name of "wheel". These are narcotics, and as though them did not name, they continue to remain narcotics. And if the person accepts them, he becomes the real narcomaniac.
And this all. Other methods of treatment in modern psychiatry does not exist. All that is applied by psychiatrists, anyhow, puts or renders an irreparable harm to the person.

05.05.2004, 18:10
At me the native brother suffers a schizophrenia, years 10. For all time of its or his illness or disease he pyot only aminazine and galoperedol. And "voices" from these tablets have not passed or have not taken place. He speaks that from these tablets he stanovitsa a plant. What, it is more from a schizophrenia there are no medicines? The psychiatry by way of treatment of sincere illnesses or diseases is useless. The psychiatry is capable to keep only insane persons of people from a society.

The anonym
09.05.2004, 14:24
You, certainly, forgive or excuse, but you is obvious nedolechili... That links to any unhealthy site give, but here raspinaetes..

12.05.2004, 19:15
Misters, I too suffer this disease, but despite of it I feel the high-grade person and I live happily. I was fine helped or assisted by atypical neuroleptics which by the way do not cause or cause accustoming! They only qualitatively improve my life and even if have by-effects they nesravnimy with that advantage or benefit which bring!
Sergey, your brother is simply treated by the out-of-date preparation which influences intellectual function and it is no wonder, that your brother so feels itself. Try or taste atypical neuroleptics, in fact their unique disadvantage consists that they dear or expensive enough.

12.05.2004, 21:15
You still recollect, how years 200 400.. Back violent arrested chains or burnt on fires, as witches. If there was a problem, it is necessary not to be dragged on regional hospitals where about good medicines can not the nobility, and to address in the advanced centers. You such big expert on history of medicine, and heard about movement of antipsychiatry in the USA? When patients without treatment have started to make packs suicides, these "fighters" kak-that have become silent.