Просмотр полной версии : ja uze 4 mesjaca, kak razoshlasj s muzem (poka neoficialjno, no bezvozvratno...

08.05.2004, 08:54
ja uze 4 mesjaca, kak razoshlasj s muzem (poka neoficialjno, no bezvozvratno). dumaju, o ne ljubit uze menja. u nas 3letnjaja dochurka. mi s nej kupili druguju kvartiru, vrode prihodim v sebja posle predatelstva i grjazi. no segodnja neozidano vstretilisj s nim v avtobuse. on az podprignul. ja ne shla na razgovor. on zivet otdelno, dumaju, u nego poka nikogo serjoznogo net. u menja toze. no pocemu tak boljno? on stojal vozle nas vsju dorogu (okolo 40 minut). ja jele sderzivala sljozi, hotj i cuvstvovala sebja na visote. doch stala k nemu otnositjsja spokojno. pocti ne sprashivaet. pocemu tak boljno? kak skoro projdet eta bolj??? spasibo..

09.05.2004, 04:14
IEVA-Only today prochla your letter seems on it or him there are no responses But I am in a similar situation and to me too is sick though I know that the return way is not present too occasionally we meet also my was or former (can so it seems) full happy or enough pahnjshchy perfum and at it or him any pain can at men is not present heart and they do not suffer I collect every day at job smile in the evening - failures to me too would would be desirable the dear doctor learn or find out rezevy female mentality in fact to the person not is peculiar samorazrushatsja should to be a limit speak pobolit - poolit and will cease but to wait how long

10.05.2004, 15:42
ne znaju, sveta, govorjat, bog dajot ispitanij ne boleje, cem celovek mozet viderzatj. inogda kazetsja-nu, uze predel. .a ne otpuskaet. naverno muzcinam prosche, ne znaju, a mozet ljubila lish ja. trudno skazatj... no ziznj prodolzaetsja, a u menja doch, nado zitj radi nejo, podnimatj jejo, jej toze nelegko, kto jej pomozet, jesli ne ja?

12.05.2004, 03:48
IEVA Good afternoon Probably you are right it is not necessary to slobber At me too children (two sons) and though they already teenagers but my participation in all still is necessary BUT ALSO it is impossible to forget about yourself 36 a life does not come to an end and for me remain problem how to make so to feel the woman how to arrange the life that hotjaby sometimes to feel man's attention To offer yourself and to be dismissed education it does not allow probably at someone is solved or dares easily That you about it or this think IEVA as I has understood you one 4 months or such ideas do not visit or attend you