Просмотр полной версии : Hello dear psychologists! A question to you! I (me 24 years) poznak...

08.05.2004, 03:14
Hello dear psychologists! A question to you!

I (me 24 years) have met absolutely casually with the young man (27 years) through the Internet, I wished to have a rest abroad and have left about myself the information on tursajte " search of the fellow traveller " - and he has found me, at it or him round for two has been paid, but the girlfriend has brought - has refused at the last minute.. So, at own risk, I have gone with it or him (after preliminary acquaintance and dialogue). We at once have agreed - that dialogue will be friendly, without an intim, as has occured or happened. And on arrival to Moscow I have understood, that I to it or him;them have any feelings, but do not know what.. It wanted to me to continue with it or him dialogue. Month as we communicate, not too often certainly - he a lot of time gives job, it is possible to tell or say the workaholic. What at us now attitudes or relations it is complex or difficult to tell or say, t. To. He has told or said that all abruptly has changed . He spoke, that the purpose for a joint trip was not desire to get or start the girl for long attitudes or relations, but all has changed, does not know as this all has occured or happened - and he in me sees more, than simply friend . I liked rest with it or him - all romantically, he has given a ring as a keepsake and all is complex or difficult for taking and throwing out from soul. I had a desire - to meet it or him, to communicate. The problem what not he, not I - we do not know as themselves further to conduct under the circumstances. It or he before had basically thoughtless girls, he has not got used to look after, meet especially longly at all, t. To. At once passed to intimate relations. And at me as such sex experience is not present (he about it or this knows, it can even it or him has frightened - t a little. To. Is afraid of me to offend, make something not so.. I do not know..) . And it or he has any complex - it or he had a first unsuccessful love, its or his girl has thrown, he hardly even has not cut a vein, therefore is afraid to fall in love, afraid that will throw it or him. One time even hated women, only them used ..
Whether probably to the man in 27 years something to change in itself, whether especially now when he does not know he is ready to meet seryozno, incuring the certain obligations???? The situation for you - uninteresting can, whether but I do not know what to do or make further it is necessary to count on something with it or him? To lose dialogue with it or him very much I am afraid, it is constant about itself I think.

10.05.2004, 08:57
I think, it is necessary to try or taste. Hm, for you 27 years - unless something you will change?:)) I assure you, it is a high time to vary!

Hazhilina I.I.
11.05.2004, 18:55
Elena! Certainly it is necessary to try or taste. Change the person can at any age if it or this will want. If you will carefully concern the friend to the friend it is possible to overcome gradually all the former complexes and the previous insults. And if negative experience of your friend so strong, that prevents to build serious attitudes or relations with girls it is necessary to address for the help to the psychologist. In similar cases happens job on a pardon of insults and farewell to the past is necessary pishoterapevticheska. If such necessity will arise, he can address to me for internal consultation. t. 8 916 140 74 55 (from Moscow or area). My data it is possible to find, having pressed a red inscription with initials first name, middle initial, last name