Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor, has read through opinions of psychologists and in general many people about that...

09.05.2004, 18:32
The dear doctor, has read through opinions of psychologists and in general many people that it is impossible to bring up the child the independent and high-grade person if the parent budet to influence the child the outlooks on life, to bring up it or him as it seems to him correct. Psychologists consider or count, that the child needs to be given full freedom and to bring up only own example... What will you tell or say about it or this? Thanks.

Bobrov A.E.
10.05.2004, 11:24
I think, that you have not absolutely correctly understood, that was available in view of. Parents not only can, but also should pass the system of values to children. On it or this all society keeps. An another matter that it is necessary to think of what values should be passed, and what to leave at the discretion of the child. An element of freedom of a choice for the child neohodim. As to a personal example certainly is the major factor of formation of behaviour. And here "notations" and are really necessary for reducing "lectures" to a minimum as their educational value or meaning;importance is minimal also usually such things serve only for "aeration" of emotions of parents. But at all this benevolent explanations and the analysis of wrong behaviour of the child - are necessary. Frequently happen punishments are necessary also.

10.05.2004, 14:31
In tom-continually, that has correctly understood. " Values far not always happen correct. Children should choose freely the way, differently parents, imposing to them the system of values, will harm only. " - here so there it was spoken. Really, parents often on the understand goods and angrily, therefore children grow without kind soul, will not understand that... And here, there it was spoken, that the child himself vyberaet is better let, nenado to impose to him the representations about good, let he grows free from any dogmas. At the standard norms or rates of goods there sneered. But, vsyo-, - to mine children are necessary for bringing up on standard of pokon centuries to bases, norms or rates of goods because others while are not present and cannot be, I am right?

Bobrov A.E.
11.05.2004, 18:01
In view of everything, that has been told or said by me earlier, I hold the same opinion. Asotsialnost and negativism in what good does not result or bring. History of Russia in this respect - a bright example.