Просмотр полной версии : Hello. To me of 35 years, married, two children. The banal situation: Vtora...

07.05.2004, 23:51
Hello. To me of 35 years, married, two children. The banal situation: the Second wife of mine of the daddy (4 years are married) suffers or bears us cannot. We noisy, do not support or maintain stirilnoj cleanliness in the house, insufficiently respectfully and politely (??) To her it is talked. Instead of us she persistently suggests him to communicate with its or her two adult children - the daughter 21 years and the son is even more senior. She does not work. The daddy feeds it or her, its or her mum, a daughter. To the son has bought or purchased in a gift 2 that. kv in Moscow. But for us too spends... And it, probably, is intolerable for it or her. She constantly arranges to him scandals, quarrels. Last time simply leaves the house if we are going to to meet it or him. With papinymi parents at it or her too attitudes or relations have not developed. Because he too spends for them time which, probably, now belongs to her. But my-that we are not going to with it or him to leave. And it turns out, that if to refuse dialogue with it or him - can stranet be easier to him because it or him will cease "to saw" for it. He, probably, is afraid of the second divorce, to remain one. A situation estimates or appreciates soberly, but nothing can make. Though, I feel last time, that he starts to be angry from time to time with us, as on a source of constant quarrels. That too understands and very much then regrets about it or this. But, probably, pressure from that party or side very strong.
What to do or make, how to behave in this situation.

08.05.2004, 16:38
Your daddy present or true TELOK and podkabluchnik, excuse..., as in that fairy tale "Morozko":-)) Even it is ridiculous! For it or him it is more important to suffer or bear this lady and to not meet you, rather than to remain to one? It is amazing! So to him also pass.

The anonym
10.05.2004, 07:09
I completely agree with the stated opinion, except for that your daddy in any degree and the egoist. Before to arrange repeatedly life, it is necessary to think as it it will be reflected in children from first marriage in moral and material sense and to search for an optimum variant, this elementary feeling of the responsibility.

Bobrov A.E.
11.05.2004, 06:42
Nadja, to you anybody and never will replace your daddy. And to him nobody will replace you. It or he, certainly, has delicacies, as well as at any strong person. Try to understand, that adults sometimes get in complex or difficult situations when they can "lose the way" for a while in the feelings and mutual relations. But such people as your daddy, necessarily eventually find correct road. With the daddy viditsja it is necessary to you and it is obligatory. If the daddy cannot call in to you sometimes simply call to him or even write letters. It very much also is very necessary for him, even if he and it not absolutely understands.

11.05.2004, 08:40
The answer for I: Dear I when you will grow wiser and pomudreete (to you, probably, years 15 22) to you will be ridiculously and surprisingly as you could write such maximal nonsense. In a life not all 2 h 2 = 4. Leave "advice or councils", pliz, for your teenagers.