Просмотр полной версии : My husband in a dream klatsaet teeth. I about such earlier also did not hear. Begins...

09.05.2004, 20:57
My husband in a dream klatsaet teeth. I about such earlier also did not hear. It begins right after that as falls asleep. Respiration first becomes frequent then begins klatsat (I assure not because has frozen in a room warmly). That he speaks the most interesting that I too in a dream became klatsat. It very much disturbs me. Respond please

Bobrov A.E.
10.05.2004, 23:47
Most likely is t. n. A bruxism or t. n. Gnashing by a teeth. Its or his reason that gnathic muscles are in the raised or increased tonus. This sign usually testifies to a nervous strain, alarm or depression. It is necessary to pass or take place inspection.