Просмотр полной версии : There was such practice that leaves so, that the person it is possible is closed...

The person
06.05.2004, 16:27
There was such practice that leaves so, that the person can be closed in pihushku without the decision of court because in case of a call on fast militia, neighbours, or relatives of the person take away in hospital only in opinion of the doctor, kotoyj constantly refers to that that the patient represents danger to and associates, vprintsipe were a case when the wife caused a brigade from a rage for that that the husband drinks vodka on kitchen or cuisine though a delirium and an aggressive status at it or him it was not observed also it or this the man have closed for 2 weeks. Such cases the sea. For it or this is famous prjazhka, skvortsova-stepanova, 1 in the field of.

07.05.2004, 12:53
In court to address it is necessary and to demand moral indemnification

Answer Malashe from Toksa
08.05.2004, 05:27
Where in court you che judges are bought or purchased on 70 % and who will frame similar pretsendent in fact an expert is not developed, under the law hospital attendants takes away, will not prove that there was not a patient only in that case if that day psychiatric and narcological examinations were spent, and psychiatrists can really prove that that at the person shizo has developed for two hours (will tell or say that the psychological shock was such silo that has caused or called shizo), on any for a month will close, will be vkalyvt so otshibet ALL pleasures, otkazheshsja from prtsedur, as in stepashke at once on 8 oe unit violent, and there and to connect or bind it is not necessary, a cube 4 aminazine, 4 Diazepamums and an insulin and ALL!

Bobrov A.E.
09.05.2004, 18:24
If I am not mistaken, under the law within first three days at not voluntary hospitalization doctors should receive the sanction of court to continuation of treatment.