Просмотр полной версии : Hello! Very long ago I here was not, and to tell the truth since then konfyere...

07.05.2004, 04:29
Hello! Very long ago I here was not, and to tell the truth since then konfyerentsija have strongly changed. And still I shall try to address to you with the question.
To me it is removed or is taken off;dream VERY STRANGE DREAMS. It strongly disturbs me. To me it is removed or is taken off;dream in a wave - are huge, with 9 tietazhnyj the house which can absorb me. And I understand, that from such huge waves practically nevozmozhnos to disappear. And yesterday this nine-floor wave was such strange, unusual color, and mutno-yellow with thin reddish streaks.. What is it can be?????
In advance thanks.

Buharov J.M.
07.05.2004, 06:57
Hello! To try to interpret a dreaming, not knowing snovidtsa, circumstances of its or his biography and a current life - business absolutely senseless. If this dream disturbs you - something means, with you not absolutely by way of, and you this dream try to inform yourselves on it or this. By the way, and in itself occurrence in a dreaming of danger to be lost in waves usually speaks about enough seryoznom the internal conflict. Anything more concrete here to tell or say it is impossible - for the reasons specified in the beginning.

07.05.2004, 22:53
At Buharova M. Night shock today was.

Well here
08.05.2004, 18:06
Take a walk on fresh air before snom-all will pass or take place.