Просмотр полной версии : I enough for a long time have met the man is twice more senior than myself. We became posto...

05.05.2004, 09:23
I enough for a long time have met the man is twice more senior than myself. We began to meet constantly. Gradually I come to conclusion, that any more I do not imagine a life without it or him, and each time I in it am involved all more strongly and more strongly. It frightens me. But speech not about it or this. We live not together, we meet during a week and we spend days off together. He lives one and speaks, that it arranges it or him. Speech besides not about it or this.
It or He has davnjaja-an old girlfriend from whom as I have understood they were davnym for a long time together, and now they are connected or bound with friendly feelings. She recently has got in hospital and here it has begun...
First he was gone for a week, something has called to me illegibly muttering, that So it is necessary, it is necessary for me, etc. and t. Item . Then later some days during which I very much experienced, he at last has explained, that ostensibly the empty apartment of its or his friend cannot be left empty, here soon there will arrive the niece of the mistress and he will come back home. I believe him, there he was one. But what is this delirium? Why he should live in an another's apartment? He to me even all over again has not left phone, and I even call to him could not! And this witch has even asked, whether he can, whether he wishes to live in its or her kennel? It enrages me, I simply do not know what to do or make.
I tried to speak with it or him, he both shouted at me, and tried to explain easy, spoke, that I behave as the small whimsical child. But I so cannot! He spoke, that We have met enough late and he the man already developed any duties, etc. . I hate it or him frazochku: It is not a subject to discussion .
Now he has come back home and like all it became again good. There have now come or stepped days off, we wished to get out kuda-nibud together. But before days off when I have started talking about it or this, he has warned me, that a pier its or his girlfriend now in sanatorium and he with its or her other relative are going to it or her to come to see, and consequently he either on Saturday or on Sunday will be borrowed or occupied.
Today, on Saturday, I call since morning, I wish to agree to meet, he speaks me, that I shall call back to you in 10 minutes, I shall know . Also has hanged up. I two more times called back to him, tried to shout in a tube, something of type that at me is pride, that I not sobachka which you will becon when there is time and she will come running. He listened to nothing, has hanged up, has told or said, that Wait, I shall call back .
When he taki has called back in 10 minutes, I to talk did not begin with it or him simply. He any more has not called back, I am assured, have run to this the swine, to this old witch...
And this hour that has passed or has taken place after a call, I do not find to myself a place. At me all is empty inside, I do not know, that to me to do or make. To me it is very bad without it or him. It is a shame here even to admit, I already called to him, wished to apologize, but it or him already is not present the house. Has left, a reptile.
I do not know, how to me to be further. As with all it or this to live. I can is not right? I simply cannot supervise myself when to me speak, that I on supporting parts, that now he will do or make that he considers it necessary, and I should either send home, or do or make that I want...
I know, I have written already too much, but I wish to tell one more short case, he will emphasize a picture. Simply you could think, that I have described an image strong men and so on. Actually sometimes I even despise it or him, razmaznju! Kak-that we were going to on picnic, have bought or purchased on the eve meat for a shish kebab, we are going to in the morning. As since morning this witch calls, speaks a pier that she on a visit to it or him;them is going to. This razmaznja it is unexpectedly obedient agrees, then puts a tube, looks at me with a kind of the pity hammered child and speaks: She will arrive .
e. This razmjaznja has not found in itself force "to send" it or her, to tell or say, that he is borrowed or occupied. I then with it or him nearly have not quarrelled, possible to insist on the, and she, fortunately has called back later, and he has told or said, that today is borrowed or occupied, and they have postponed the party for other day.
Here is how to me to be further?
Also has put here not only in this vedme-to the competitor. He often goes (gde-that once a month) to come to see the friend who is sick, and about any friendship it does not go any more speech, it has turned in any objazalovku. He cannot stop it, pretsja at the other end of the world with persistence of a donkey instead of spending with me time. And in fact once he has gone with temperature! He kogda-nibud will ruin itself(himself)...
I do not know, how to me to be further. I do not wish to excruciate it or him, I do not wish to excruciate myself. Prompt me the prescription how to be further in this prokljatoj lives!

05.05.2004, 20:05
To cease to fight in a hysterics and to include or switch on brains... Has carried to you with the man, the normal adequate person with the DEVELOPED OBLIGATIONS.
All. Be appeased.
He is pleasant to you - accept such as he is.
And to sense from your hysterics hardly.
Valerian drops have a drink. Can, will help or assist.

Also thank the God, that about you there is a person who does not throw the friends for the sake of whims of the silly eccentric little girl. Become more senior and become the friend.

The anonym
07.05.2004, 01:40
Still nobody cancelled man's wisdom, peerly, as well as nonsense of a youth. The clever guy, knows, that does or makes:)