Просмотр полной версии : ku-ku, check of communication or connection. Something not postitsja...

04.05.2004, 09:13
ku-ku, check of communication or connection. Something not postitsja

05.05.2004, 09:14
About soul or douche pudumat all is necessary and you postishsja....

05.05.2004, 13:02
So I try, shcha, shcha of soul or douche I shall think........

07.05.2004, 01:16
Anastas 7h

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --
Literary gods, I hope, will forgive or excuse, that again
I disturb settlement it is background Komarova
Ideally approaches or suits for otobrazhenja
The life occuring only in voobrazhene.

Long street - it is direct to selpo. An end face
The grey Finnish house. From a porch - the father
Something shouts in a back of the son at a yiddish.
From shop to the right, then you will see,

As a semicircle pines, close - aspens have crowded.
Tells lies in a pure or clean palate - from boredom but that there are forces-
Dog, vozdev on a nape a wool.
On a roof the rain polishes a tin.

skurvilsja August , - the leaf or sheet says withered.
The mushroom picker leaves crude traces on kitchen or cuisine,
In a court yard the shaky table is exhausted under weight
Russulas, lisichek, the honey agarics brought from a wood.

Grows dark, grows dark, in burzhujke logs crack.
As if or As at cinema. The hero also kisses knees
That, that soon under the text to tell or say it is necessary "farewell".
On a verandah sweet tea is already prepared to them.

The voice of the father from a parent half has stood.
Basin with hot water, that of pillows. In dust of a feather-bed
Does not rustle pochemu-that sosedka-the mouse.
All settlement has fallen asleep. In silence - the kid

gde-that cries, and, in a life already another,
This sad vshlip will not muffle, will not give rest,
Will not restrain restless biene heart
Amicable chorus escaped in alive babies.

The snow will find you somnolent, lovers. Granaries
Yours the furnace breaks, burns. Winter,
All records having beaten, will be unexpectedly warm.
Gardens at peasants will escape, will not fall asleep some glass.

Pass or Take place through an illusive wood, break a post
(Consider or Examine more close: whether a bullfinch, a titmouse, klest
Here on a branch sitting, broadcasting, it is visible, a bird).
In nezakonnom-that the marriage or spoilage, what grief postitsja.

Film or Membranula breaks. For made a choice
Between to remain and electric train Vyborg-
Petersburg, above Finbanom fires zazhgutsja,
More clearly to understand: it is a dream, and to it or him;them to not return.