Просмотр полной версии : I ask the help! Tell or Say what signs the person sick alcohol possesses...

05.05.2004, 09:41
I ask the help!
Tell or Say what signs the person possesses a sick alcoholic encephalopathy. The diagnosis is put three months prior to mors, bolelel also by a breaking up cancer of lungs...

Tell or Say please, that such an alcoholic psychosis. Whether the person such disease could suffering to testify the inspector? e. Whether he has been made? Whether could osoznovat explanations to him of its or his rights? The diagnosis is put later three days after interrogations...
The request to respond as well on iiishrekiii@mtu-net. ru

Pronin D.A.
06.05.2004, 17:13
Possibly, you have in view of encephalopathy Gaje-Vernike (korsakovsky a syndrome) which develops at the long intensive use of alcohol. Rasping disturbances of memory on current events with impossibility of storing and procreation (a fixating amnesia) are marked or celebrated. As consequence or investigation, appears a disorientation in a place and time, neuznavanie associates. It is characteristic full or partial otsutsvie critics or criticisms to the status. Presence of a neurologic symptomatology is marked or celebrated also: disturbance of coordination of movements, suhozhilnyh reflexes of extremities, a nystagmus. e. Speech actually goes about irreversible degradation of the person.