Просмотр полной версии : At my mother of a voice, it was treated, it is constant on tablets galoperedol Nozepamum...

On February, 1st 2002 12 48
04.05.2004, 13:26
At my mother of a voice, it was treated, it is constant on tablets galoperedol Nozepamum, doctors speak that she needs for itself to be helped or assisted at it or her there is no will power, constantly sleeps. The voice man's sometimes hostile, sometimes is not present. Mother realizes all.

Bobrov A.E.
05.05.2004, 21:28
Hallucinoses, unfortunately, often happen refractory or resistant (are steady) against therapy. But nevertheless it is necessary to try or taste different preparations and their combinations. Here it is necessary to select different preparations individually. Both this business long and uneasy.

06.05.2004, 15:30
Prompt a spectrum preporatov from goljutsinozov (voices) and their combination.