Просмотр полной версии : Hello! Forgive or excuse, that I lift already a little bit discussed question. For...

05.05.2004, 05:41
Hello! Forgive or excuse, that I lift already a little bit discussed question. For me now he was acutely it is necessary - " to be itself " (silly, silent, irresolute) or to develop in itself opposite qualities. But in fact if the person is silly, it for ever. If it is fair, I in all this have got confused. My big ambition dictates to me: " You should be the best! " And my abilities are mediocre, my mind or wit is ordinary. Therefore my self-rating often kolebletsja from very low up to unfairly high, I am simple I can not, as other people to tell or say about any top - " it not for me " or " I can! " . I simply DO NOT KNOW. I am am torn apart on a part with the contradiction - the ambition pulls upwards, koe-what bitter experience pulls downwards. Iz-for it or this I already to myself have acquired a neurosis. I constantly compare myself to surrounding people, I am excruciated iz-for own disadvantages. Here also it seems to me, that I "have already lost" myself in this struggle for perfection. Only please, it is not necessary to write about karmu and so forth It would be desirable to learn or find out opinion of the psychologist or simply reasonable person possessing common sense.

05.05.2004, 10:37
Everything, that you have described, shows presence at you limiting belief concerning yourself and indistinct strategy of achievement of the purposes, supported, comparisons not with own statuses on a way to achievement of the purposes, and with other people that does not give precise base for objective comparison. All can learn it or this even independently. Esteem books on personal body height or address to the psychologist.