Просмотр полной версии : The situation is those: There is I, I have all that is necessary for me, at me equal...

04.05.2004, 01:07
The situation is those:
There is I, I have all that is necessary for me, at me an equal quiet life. I was successfully disaccustomed at school, have entered the university (on the budget), was disaccustomed on courses and have got a job. Owing to read through some books on art of dialogue with people of the attitude or relation with collective (both at job and in University) simply remarkable. I have friends with them excellent or different mutual relations. And very well, exactly and smoothly. But that that does not please already anything. Why that to all interest was gone. What with me???

Bobrov A.E.
04.05.2004, 10:25
If to speak in the clinical plan it is similar, that at you one of forms of depression. If to argue in a psychological key, - that is obvious, it is necessary for you to overestimate some views and to change reference points. to. Something blocks your freedom. But all this only guesses. Without personal interview something certain to tell or say difficultly.