Просмотр полной версии : Steady status

22.12.2003, 17:09
The status such - constant desires to yawn, sleep itd. And during the most improper moments.
Prompt what nibud independent actions for elimination of these signs and their reasons

The healthy way of life does not help or assist will get rid of these signs. Even if to sleep two days this status leans periodically especially at contact to people. In itself in loneliness I as that do not notice behind myself these signs. And at contact to the person probably there is an effect of a mirror.
Hypnosis has not helped or assisted since I was not hypnotized unlike grandmothers and grandfathers which to mine and without hypnosis fell asleep at my presence. Advise please good experts engaged such signs. The diagnosis has been put by the regional psychotherapist.
I live in Peter, the Kirov district. Yes interesting observation it dejsttvuet on the interlocutor in the same way as though I did not try and as though it was not interesting...

And so the rest at me in a life is simply remarkable both job and friends and all rest...

Doctor Vitaly
22.12.2003, 19:12
1. Your age
2. What objective methods issledovani have been passed or have been taken place?
Me conclusion UZDG of vessels of a brain and a cervical department of a backbone interest.
3. Whether there was a consultation of the endocrinologist?

24.12.2003, 16:50
To me of 28 years, the first displays in 23 and till now. Consulted at regional psihiterapevta 4 years ago in current approximately 3 months then has understood that the method of treatment - hypnosis on me does not operate or work
Since the conclusions at me on arms or hand are not present, I shall try on memory
UZDG did or made - the doctor has told or said that special deviations or rejections are not present, and those that are at everyone the second.
Passed or Took place the psychological test - norm or rate!
Consultations of the endocrinologist on mine were not.
The cervical department too like did not check

To me the nature (reason) of this phenomenon though it is possible or probable some kind of consequences of stress is to tell the truth absolutely not clear.