Просмотр полной версии : Whether there is a hope?

18.12.2003, 18:17
zdravtsvujte. My name is Anja, me 22 years and nearby 2- years I cannot already consult with the problem. At me stahi, phobias and obsessional statuses... It is a nightmare.. I tried to be treated by Clonazepamum and anafranilom, a propyl their couple of months, to me them have cancelled, but all has begun anew.. As soon as to me it became bad (panic attaki or feeling strong razzhrazhenija), I was rescueed or saved;salvaged by Clonazepamum, understanding, what is it only first aid, but not treatment. Recently has addressed to drugomk to the doctor, he has appointed or nominated sonapaksi paksil.
But at me wild pavor to new tablets, me kazhntsja, that to me from them is bad... voobshchem I have got confused..... Whether there Is an output or exit?

20.12.2003, 19:38
Hello, Anja!
At you problem very familiar to me and if you not one of my patients who already passes or takes place at me therapy on the same problem, has come on our site and jokes of me of a joke:) If all it not so - that I invite you to myself to a psychotherapy - you cannot solve your problem only by means of a psychopharmacology.
I wait.