Просмотр полной версии : Whether unpleasant sensations can be connected with mental disease?

30.08.2003, 14:48
Whether unpleasant sensations in the field of heart by a self-suggestion or I vljatsja consequence or investigation -or-or mental disease can be caused or called.
pojasniju as there are such signs:
I have noticed, that the same sign begins for example when I am in church, and kogdu I leave therefrom after a while all stops, or I pass by the same places (there it is felt always I neoodnokratno it checked) as bud something "skrebetsja" about the left breast, then becomes frequent pulse, sometimes there is a pricking.

27 years and I am no time I did not suffer mental rsatrojstvami.

Doctor Vitaly
30.08.2003, 17:13
Probably, the question is caused by absence of real problems with heart and you have already visited or attended the cardiologist?

neprjatnye sensations in the field of heart can be caused or called and much more banal reasons. An osteochondrosis, for example. And more often the reason of similar pains is the intercostal neuralgia. Begin the campaigns with the neurologist, usual survey will quickly confirm or will exclude this problematics. The factor of a self-suggestion at diseases of nervous system always is of great importance, however, for what absolutely not necessarily to be mental patient.

30.08.2003, 17:45
Thanks for your answer. There is no cardiologist I did not visit or attend. I vosplzovals experts of nonconventional medicine, also have visited or attended psychics, but their advice or councils have not helped or assisted to understand an event.