Просмотр полной версии : With me something is created not clear

04.05.2003, 20:11
Hello! I the student, study outside our immense Native land already almost 4 years. Houses were not since October (up to this semester went 2 3 times a year), but special desire to go I do not burn - I have got used already here. Recently I have started to notice, that with me something is created not clear. I became lazy, inactive, eternally I feel weariness and not habitual for me annoyance. Has thrown playing sports. The beloved it is ready "to kill" (morally) for the slightest nonsense. Practically for what has beaten the passer-by and has not got nearly in prison for 3 years + departatsija... Bolshenstvo people with whom I earlier obshalsja with the great pleasure, shchas me enrage! The doctor, already and my status enrages me!!! Please, help or assist me to leave this status! Can vitaminchikov kakihto have a drink??? krasovok@mail. ru

Doctor Vitaly
05.05.2003, 15:50
The reasons for occurrence of similar complaints there can be a set, but only finding-out of the reason, correct diagnostics can provide the adequate help. Without the conclusions of inspections anything to you I can not advise.